Westmeria Counselling Services: Mindfulness Course

Thursday 09 September 2021
18:30 to 20:00

Westmeria Counselling Intermediate Mindfulness Course Social image

Dates and times: September 9th, 6:30pm - 8.00pm

Location: Zoom


6 Week Mindfulness Course is for perfect for meditators who would like to develop their practice and raise their levels of experience. The course is based around self-care and raising your game to work towards greater levels of opening the heart, of self-care and inner well-being. Mindfulness is a way to practice self-care, to practice generosity to yourself. From that place of self-care, you can find a better way of being.

Run by Sheena Rose via Zoom.


More information on the website

Contact Westmeria Counselling Services
Cost £150