Resources pic

Find useful links to resources, tools and information for community and voluntary groups in Bromley:

Bromley borough facts and figures

Climate and health

Cost of Living Crisis charity resources

Covid-19 general information and guidance

Cyber Security

Data Protection, legal and GDPR

Data sets


Engaging with your MP or with Parliament

Engaging young people (resources from our Young Londoners Fund network events)



Remote working

Resources for community groups and charities

Our Healthier South East London (OHSEL)


Social value resources

Support for refugees

Trustee resources




Bromley borough facts and figures, useful for funding bids, presentations and business planning

Updated in Spring 2018 by the London Borough of Bromley, this 2 page factsheet provides useful, summary information about the population in the borough.

Updated in Spring 2018 by the London Borough of Bromley, this 2 page factsheet provides useful information about the health and life expectancy of people in the borough.

All Directors of Public Health produce an Annual Public Health Report (APHR) to raise the profile of emerging health issues or to highlight an area of particular interest to a wide variety of audiences.

Bromley’s 2017 report is on Type 2 diabetes - one of the most significant public health challenges of our time which is a national and local priority. The APHR report gives an overview of the causes, prevalence and impact of diabetes at a local and national level and includes advice on prevention and the pro-active steps everyone can take to prevent diabetes.

A JSNA is an ongoing process by which local authorities, NHS clinical commissioning groups and other public sector partners jointly describe the current and future health and wellbeing needs of the local population and identify priorities for action. Bromley JSNA is owned by the Bromley Health and Wellbeing Board.

During October 2020, we asked you, our members, to complete a short State of the Sector Survey. Nearly 40 of you responded and we are very pleased to be able to share the results with you.  There are lots of important messages emerging around funding, increased demand, the pressures on staff, volunteers and beneficiaries and the amazing range of help and support that you have provided during the COVID-19 pandemic. It shows that the community has come together under very challenging circumstances.

A new Economic Development Strategy confirming the borough is open for business now and into the next decade has been agreed by the Council’s Executive.


Cyber Security

Data Protection, legal and GDPR


Data sets

This paper uses the 360Giving dataset to find and explore grassroots non-profit organisations operating at the local community or neighbourhood level. Such organisations are vital to UK civil society but often fall ‘below the radar’, and have previously been under-represented in research and statistics.

The NCVO Almanac gives an overview of the voluntary sector’s scope and characteristics, including its finances, workforce, and volunteering. This year's Almanac draws on data from the 2017/18 financial year.

This webpage on the London Funders website has links to data and resources which you may find of interest and which can help highlight unmet need in your area.

Put together by London Plus and the Greater London Authority, this is a 2 page guide to useful datasets which are open and can be accessed by all.

This is the official source for statistics and data from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, published under open licences for you to use. Find 200+ datasets covering MHCLG’s priorities including: deprivationhousinglocal government financeplanning and other themes.  Check their interactive map for 2015 deprivation indices which allows you to zoom in and explore particular locations across England, including Bromley.

Official data from over 100 indicators, revealing patterns in poverty and inequality. Data available on a borough by borough basis. See the profile for Bromley here.

The London Datastore is a free and open data-sharing portal where anyone can access data relating to the capital. There are over 700 datasets to help you understand the city. Search by topic, borough and ward level, different views/analysis etc. The London Area Profiles help paint a general picture of an area allowing you to explore a wealth of local data to better understand the profile of London’s communities and the neighbourhoods they live in.

A detailed picture of disparities within English local authorities to a neighbourhood level.

This report presents both new data on older Londoners’ use of the internet during the pandemic and insights from local Age UKs in London and older Londoners themselves.

Findings from Government research into the experiences of disabled people during the COVID-19 pandemic.



  • Superhighways introduction to Microsoft Teams here and guidance on hosting successful meetings here

  • Q&A with Charity Digital on remote working here

  • Update from Superhighways on what resources your organisation can use for remote working here

  • Resources from Digital Inclusion workshop, 19th July:

- ClearCommunityWeb CIC: People First Approach to Digital Inclusion (pdf)

- loti: Supporting digitally excluded Londoners get online (pdf)

- Community Fibre: PSTN Switch-Off 2025 New Solutions to Old Problems (pdf)

Bromley Community Digital Inclusion Workshop, SEL ICS (pdf)

- Virgin Media O2: Working to end digital exclusion (pdf)

- Good Things Foundation: Positive Impact and Stories from Get Online London (video)


Engaging with your MP or with Parliament

There are plenty of other ways to engage with parliament as an individual:






Resources for community groups and charities


Our Healthier South East London (OHSEL) resources

South East London ICS virtual information session for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) partners (held on 27.01.2022):



Keeping your staff, volunteers and beneficiaries is important. All organisations need to do safeguarding well. Everyone needs to be involved. The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has some excellent resources that will help you make your own plans and carry them out.

Safeguarding is everybody’s business, and it is important that the types of abuse that can occur and the signs that it is happening are understood. Bromley Council, through Me Learning, has a suite of training resources. The courses are aimed at professionals and frontline staff who work or have contact with children, young people, and their families and/or adults at risk within the London Borough of Bromley.

Collection of online media literacy resources and events, including resources on managing privacy, recognising misinformation, and improving health and wellbeing online.

What to do to protect people who come into contact with your charity through its work from abuse or mistreatment of any kind.


Support for refugees


Trustee resources

  • Governance app launched by the Directory of Social Change (DSC) - a free, easy way for your board of trustees to review and improve its governance together.



This research, commissioned by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and conducted by The Young Foundation, seeks to improve understanding of the ways in which volunteers were mobilised at local authority levels in England during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the overarching aim to support future policy development on volunteering.

