Bromley Children andFamilies Forum - Easter Fun in the Forest

Wednesday 06 April 2022
10:30 to 14:30

BCFF Easter Fun event

Bromley Children and Families Forum (BCFF) are inviting the children and families along to take part in an Easter Egg hunt, and some fun and games within a naturally beautiful, safe environment.

The charity believes this is an opportunity to bring the community and its members together. 

Date: Wednesday 6th April 

Times: 10.30-2.30pm

View the event flyer image here


Admission to the general public: £3/per child. This includes the Easter Egg Hunt which means every child receives a prize from the tombola. 

Raffle tickets £2 per ticket or 3 for 5.

Prizes on offer so far - £25 voucher Lanta B. £45 voucher Phonics Stars™️ Bromley. £20 voucher Ollie Polly Play Cafe. Voucher for Love My Hound Dig Groomers. Plus more.

Contact Bromley Children and Families Forum (BCFF)
Heartsease Guide Campsite, Woodland Way
West Wickham
(view map)