CASPA Connor's Club Night

Saturday 20 August 2022
19:00 to 21:30

CASPA logo with words Community Autiistic Support, Pride & Advocacy

A great party for members and non-members to enjoy being a part of a lovely community.

This event is in loving memory of CASPA member Connor Kallmeyer. You do not need to have known Connor to come and enjoy our 2nd event! Open to anyone who is a part of the Autistic community.

Tickets £5 per person

Date and time: Saturday 20 August 2022, 7:00 – 9:30

Location: Beccehamian RFC, Corkscrew Hill, West Wickham, BR4 9BB


Book your tickets here


Contact CASPA (Community Autistic Support, Pride and Advocacy)
Beccehamian RFC, Corkscrew Hill
West Wickham
(view map)