Bromley Voluntary Sector Trust are inviting members of the community to join its Friends group to help safeguard the future of Community House in the centre of the Borough.
Bromley Council, the owners, are planning to auction off this building which houses services of vital importance to the Borough’s residents.
In addition to providing affordable spaces for long term office use to 14 different charities, there are rooms available for hire, including a large conference room and meeting rooms.
Community House has been serving the community since 2000 as a charity support hub and a centre for those looking for help and advice.
The sale of Community House will have a negative impact on the most vulnerable residents of the Borough.
Charities housed within the building include:
Age UK, Citizens Advice, Community Links Bromley, Deafplus, Relate, Kent Association for the Blind, Bromley and Greenwich Housing Rights, Bromley Welcare, Bromley Together / Advocacy for all, Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust.
Bromley Parent Voice, Home-start Bromley, Dyslexia Association of Bromley and Healthwatch Bromley are also virtual tenants of Community House.
To get involved and support Community House, email to express your interest.