Simply Connect Bromley logoSimply Connect Bromley, formerly Connect Well Bromley, is the Social Prescribing service for the London Borough of Bromley.

This service is funded by Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group, and managed and delivered by Community Links Bromley.

It is part of a wider NHS programme of integrated care provision in the Bromley borough.


How Simply Connect Bromley can help you?

Explore the database to find local community services, activities and support that can really help you with whatever issue you’re struggling with at the moment.

Maybe you’re looking to meet new people - or get some advice or support for a friend or family member? Or you might be wanting to find out about exercise or social clubs, or how to get involved in a local charity?

Community services can provide specialist support too on a range of topics, such domestic abuse, helping to manage your finances, housing issues or bereavement support.

Some additional benefits available include:

  • Improved reporting to easily see the outcomes of referrals and the impact of the service
  • Organisations are also asked to update the status of referrals so that progress can be tracked
  • Organisations can add, update and maintain their own directory listings (yet to be rolled out)


Want to add your service/activity to Simply Connect Bromley? 

When completing this form, you will be asked to consent to the following Terms and Conditions for Service Providers.