Want to make a big difference in Mottingham?

Mottingham Big Local Refocused have recently launched two grant funds:

1. Community Chest – up to £5,000

2. Youth Fund – up to £1,000

Community Chest: up to £5,000 funding for organisations and community groups to run projects, events or services in the MBLR catchment area. Projects must be related to at least one of MBLR’s 7 themes:

  • Children & young people 
  • Older people
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Employability
  • Economic empowerment
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Green space

Youth Fund: this fund is all about young people becoming local changemakers, bringing to life projects that are important to them.  Individuals or groups of young people aged 16-19 (or up to 25 for SEN) can apply for up to £1,000 to run any project that will benefit the people in the MBLR area, and at least one person per group must live in the MBLR area.

Application deadline: applications are accepted on a monthly rolling basis, the deadline to apply is the 1st of each month.

Follow this link for more information and to apply for either of the grants