Funded by a successful bid to the City Bridge Foundation (formerly City Bridge Trust), Community Links Bromley delivered a programme focused on impact and diversity to 2 cohorts of voluntary and community organisations over a 2-year period from 2017-2019. Its aims were to deliver outcomes for these organisations which would result in them being:
- More sustainable e.g. securing more funding; working in partnership with others; sharing good practice; having an evidence base for their work through needs assessment, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment
- Fit for purpose in displaying good equalities practice and more robust in engaging diverse communities, including staff, volunteers, trustees and service users
- Competent in deploying digital/ICT approaches to monitoring, evaluation and measuring impact to enable them to improve their efficiency
- Providers of services that are accessible and respond to the needs of people (especially from diverse communities)
The people/organisations which took part in this programme benefitted from tools, techniques and resources which helped them increase their competitive edge with funders as well as provide them with the know-how to better plan and deliver their services to a diverse client base.
The resources are now available for use - see Resources. If you have any queries about these and/or their use, please contact Alex Doust ( in the first instance.
The project was supported by a grant from the City of London Corporation’s charity, City Bridge Foundation (formerly City Bridge Trust).