Categories of funding opportunities and grants to support groups/organisation client bases:



The Chelsea & Mr French Fund

The Fund is open to all small dog health and welfare charities who support dog owners in times of personal struggle. In particular, those owners that fear the separation of their beloved dogs due to hardship of crisis. A grant from the Fund can help to transform a challenging situation into support that’s more caring, compassionate and practical. From providing emergency veterinary treatment, to sourcing excellent temporary foster-care for their pets. The charities we support will ensure their number one priority is a better outcome for dogs and their vulnerable owners. 

(added 28.6.23)


Rescue Centre Grants

Funding to organisations whose main activity is the rescue and re-homing of UK pets. Grants from £250 upwards are available to cover:

  • Vet bills
  • Boarding fees
  • Trap and neuter schemes
  • Food Equipment
  • Vehicles
  • Building work
  • Utility bills

(added 11.6.24)


Arts, music and culture

The Art Fund

Grants for museums and galleries for art of all types and media from across history. They also support special collections and help to place gifts and bequests. Grants range in value from a few hundreds to thousands of pounds. Recipients include UK public museums, galleries, historic houses, libraries and archives that open for at least half the week for at least six months of the year and which are fully or provisionally accredited under the Arts Council Scheme.

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


Arts Council - National Lottery Projects Grant

Grants from £1,000 to £100,000 for individuals and organisations for art, museum and library projects that engage people in the arts and culture. Applications must meet the programme’s four criteria: Quality, Public Engagement, Finance and Management.

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


The Backstage Trust

The Backstage Trust’s main focus is to support projects in the performing arts, mainly theatre, however the Trust is open to hear from arts organisations with projects in which the arts touch society in other ways. 

This is a continuous rolling programme. For more information and how to apply please contact: 

Helen Cave, Executive Administrator
North House
27 Great Peter Street

Phone: 020 7072 4498

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


Creative England - Production funding

Creative England Production funding is open to networks and organisations whose work supports and promotes filmmaking activities in the English regions. Funding is available for a range of eligible activity including provision of editorial and technical support for emerging talent looking to produce work, delivery of networking, screening and industry speaker events and master classes, and provision of peer-to-peer support, mentoring, training and advice.

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


Friends of Friendless Churches Art Grants

Support available for churches, artists, and craftspeople through grants so that they can create beautiful new works of art for Gothic churches. The grants are offered for items such as statues, sculpture, murals, paintings, Paschal candlesticks, vestments, Commandment Boards, stained glass, altars and altar frontals.

(added 8.8.23)


New Marching Animal Welfare Trust

These are made to organisations for positive contributions that meet the objectives of the Trust. Since the Trust was founded, it has supported a wide variety of projects including spay/neuter programmes, the search for alternatives to the use of animals in research, anti-poaching programmes, establishing veterinary hospitals, clinics and training programmes, a network of animal sanctuaries, as well as and in particular, assisting smaller groups committed to the cause of animal welfare. Special projects at a variety of sanctuaries and refuges have also been funded.

(added 9.7.24)


Old Possum’s Practical Trust

The Trust makes a number of grants each year for literary, artistic, musical and theatrical projects.

The amount of each grant usually falls within the range of £500 - £5,000. The Trustees do, however, retain the right to give discretionary grants, and development grants, outside the criteria listed above, but do so only in exceptional circumstances.

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


Philip Bates Trust

The trust supports creative endeavour by sponsoring prizes, and by offering financial support to organisations.  The Trust aims to advance the education of young people under the age of 25 in the arts by: 

  • The provision of awards to encourage and support their pursuit of creative and artistic achievement.
  • The provision of financial support to projects or workshops, which aim to develop creative and artistic interests and skills in young people.

(added 23.1.24)


Reimagine grants

The Reimagine programme supports organisations to develop or refresh their work in response to their current situation. These grants are designed to inspire creativity and increase stability in the sector. Funding is available to formally constituted, not-for-profit organisations.

Organisations may include, but are not restricted to, museums, galleries, historic houses, archives and libraries, agencies, and festivals.

Grant size: £10,000 to £50,000

(added 09/05/23)




Capital/core costs

B&Q Foundation Grants

The B&Q Foundation supports hundreds of registered charities across the UK every year providing grants up to £5,000 for a wide range of charities who are looking for funding to improve or develop spaces that benefit their local communities.

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


Beaverbrook Foundation

The Beaverbrook Foundation makes charitable donations for capital expenditure, i.e. to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as buildings, fixtures and fittings, machinery, furniture and other equipment; for revenue/running costs; and for special projects.

The Foundation only accepts applications for donations from registered charities.

(added 11.7.23)


Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation

One-off grants for capital projects, e.g. new buildings, refurbishments, transport and equipment. (They do not fund running costs).

The Foundation offer three levels of grants. These are large grants of £20,000 and above; medium grants of up to £20,000 and small grants of £5,000 and under. Their large and medium grants are considered and agreed upon at Trustees’ meetings. Their small grants are agreed by Trustees on a monthly basis and form the majority of grants. 

Grants are awarded for projects in the following categories: Community, Education, Health, Social Welfare. 

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


Charitable Donations Programme

Whether you are a school looking for woodworking tools or a charity needing construction supplies, Builder Depot will endeavour to donate or provide discounted building materials to help you achieve your goals.
If you have a good cause in need of building material donations, contact Builder Depot using the online form and read Builder Depot Charitable Donations Programme Terms & Conditions. Please note: Builder Depot may not be able to fulfil your donation request and may withdraw donation offers at any point if we deem it necessary.

(added 27.3.24)


The Charles Hayward Foundation

This grant-making charitable trust funds charities which are registered in the UK. They run a main and small grant programme:

Main grant programme, £15,000 - £25,000: Social & Criminal Justice and Heritage & Conservation (for charities with an income of more than £350,000) and Overseas (for charities with an income between £150,000 and £5,000,000).

Small grant programme , up to £7000: Social & Criminal Justice and Older People (for charities with an income of less than £350,000).

Within all of the above they fund project costs and capital expenditure.

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


Esmee foundation

Funding available to support organisations’ core or project costs, including staff salaries and overheads, and also unrestricted funding for charities.  

Grant size: the minimum amount we offer is £30,000, no maximum amount

(accurate as at 15.5.23) 


The February Foundation

The Foundation supports project or core or capital costs, their median award is £5,000. Organisations which received funding from the Foundation's now-closed covid-19 emergency fund are eligible to re-apply for a standard grant if at least 12 months have passed since their last standard grant.

Re-applications can be for the continuation of previously-funded projects.

There are no application forms. Applications should be emailed to Richard Pierce-Saunderson.

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


Fidelity UK Foundation

The Foundation seek to work on strategic, transformational projects. They aim to help organisations to increase their impact, reach, effectiveness, earned revenue, operational efficiency or long-term financial sustainability. Grants are made for capital improvements; technology projects; organisational development and planning initiatives. Most grants range between £25,000 to £150,000.  Grants will not normally cover the entire cost of a project and grants are generally made only to organisations with an annual operating budget in excess of £250,000. Applications are by invite only.


Foyle Foundation – Small Grants Scheme

Scheme designed to support smaller UK-registered charities (especially those working at a grass roots and local community level), in any field, across wide range of activities. Applications welcomed from charities with annual turnover of less than £150,000 per annum. Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 available for core costs, equipment or project activities. Scheme make one-year grants for core costs, equipment or project funding to charities which can show how grant will make a significant difference to their work.


Garfield Weston Foundation

Grants to registered charities and a range of not for profit organisaitons for a wide range of work - the arts, community, education, environment, faith, health, museums and heritage, welfare and youth. There are 2 types of grants available:  regular grants of up to £100,000 and major grants for applications of £100,000 or more. They support capital, revenue/core and project costs.


The GC Gibson Charitable Trust

For the 2021 online process, The GC Gibson Trust will support capital or product purchases for UK registered charities in the areas of education, of social inclusion, and of physical and mental health for all ages anywhere in the world.

The following will not be supported: the fabric of Christian churches; hospices; educational farms; riding and carriage driving for the disabled; cancer care and research; theatres; museums.

Grant size: of up to £4,000.

Charity size: income up to £1 million.


Microsoft Solutions for nonprofits

Get started with nonprofit tech to move your mission forward. Save on Microsoft solutions, including Azure, Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and more. You don't have to decide on your solutions today, you can choose once you've been officially approved. To get started, take the eligibility pre-check.

(added 18.6.24)


New levelling up and community investments

The UK government is committed to levelling up across the whole of the United Kingdom to ensure that no community is left behind, particularly as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government has launched four new investment programmes to support communities right across the country. All share common challenges and opportunities, which the government is determined to address in collaboration with local partners. These investment programmes are:

  • The UK Community Renewal Fund
  • The Levelling Up Fund
  • The Community Ownership Fund
  • The UK Shared Prosperity Fund

(accurate as at 15.5.23)


The Pilgrim Trust grants

The Pilgrim Trust favours giving to organisations where our relatively modest grants will make a significant impact. The Pilgrim Trust will consider applications for:

  • Revenue costs such as staff salaries and overheads
  • Project costs
  • The costs of initial exploratory work for organisations seeking to rescue important buildings, monuments etc
  • Capital costs where the total capital cost is less than £5 million (Preservation and Scholarship programme only)

The Trust providing funding under two areas of interest: Preservation & Scholarship and Social Welfare.

We make grants available through one of two schemes, the Main Grant Fund and the Small Grant Fund. The Main Grant Fund is our primary grant outlet and distributes approximately 90% of our annual grant budget. If your project fits our funding criteria, you can apply for sums above £5,000 through this scheme. The Small Grant Fund is reserved for requests of £5,000 or less.


Premier League and The Football Association

The Facilities Fund Small Grants Scheme awards grants of up to £10,000 for capital items, or to refurbish/improve existing facilities. They'll award up to 50% of the total cost of items such as: replacement of unsafe goalposts; portable floodlights; storage containers; grounds maintenance equipment - check the website for further items. The grants are open to a wide range of applicants including clubs, local authorities and schools.


Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

Their focus is on supporting smaller charitable and not-for-profit organisations within the UK, with a total annual income under £500,000, who work in the most deprived urban areas or the most remote and socio-economically deprived rural areas. Grants of between £2,000 and £60,000 are available for work in the areas of community support, performing, visual and creative arts, education and heritage. Examples of work might include:- youth clubs; training schemes to help people out of unemployment; drop in centres for the homeless. For urban deprivation they mean postcode areas that are ranked within the most deprived 20% of the latest Government Indices of Multiple Deprivation, within cities/towns with a population of more than 10,000 people.

Funding can be used towards general running costs including core costs, salaries and projects costs or capital expenditure on buildings or essential equipment.

(accurate as at 9.8.23)



Social entrepreneurs providing solutions to any issues can apply for a range of support - access to technical business support, connections to mentors, support to prepare for investment, including the opportunity to secure repayable capital of up to £50,000.

They also have specific areas they focus on - building employability; building resilient communities and soluntions for an ageing society and they encourage social entrepreneurs tackling these focus areas to apply.


Village halls small grants fund

Grants of between £2,000 and £5,000 to help make improvements to rural community buildings in England. Grants are intended to support smaller capital projects in village halls such as boiler replacements, insulation, toilet upgrades and new kitchens.

Awards can be made to cover 20% of eligible project costs, up to a maximum amount of £5,000. The fund is expected to stay open until December 2024, however it may be withdrawn before this.

(added 27.3.24)


Workplace Charging Scheme: guidance for charities and small accommodation businesses

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a voucher-based scheme that provides eligible applicants with support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints.

Yapp Charitable Trust

This Trust make grants for running costs and salaries to small registered charities in England and Wales to help sustain their existing work. In brief:-

  • grants only to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000
  • do not fund work that does not focus specifically on one of their priority groups
  • only fund running costs
  • Grants are normally for a maximum of £3,000 per year and they'll fund for up to three years.
  • most grants are for more than one year because they like to fund ongoing needs.

Trustees meet 3 times a year to consider applications.


Children & young people

Ada & Albert

Ada & Albert is an independent, non-profit children’s charity based in Bromley. The charity raises funds from the community and distribute them in the form of grants to schools, housing associations, individuals, and other charitable initiatives.

(added 9.5.23)


Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust

Grants that enable disadvantaged young people to take part in outdoor activities. They usually support programmes run by schools or youth groups.

(accurate as at 19.7.23)


BBC Children in Need

Project Cost Funding

BBC Children in Need Project Costs Funding Stream is for charities and not-for-profit organisations. Applicants to this programme can apply for grants for up to three years.

Core Costs Funding

Applicants to this programme can apply for grants for up to three years.

Grant size: over £15,000 per year from organisations who have registered with the appropriate regulatory body.


Betsy Foundation

Betsy Foundation is a family run initiative giving grants to small and medium sized charities which make the world a better place for those in need. The Foundation's mission is to assist the organisations which provide this deeply needed support to young people in our communities. 

The Foundation normally provides financial grants of up to £30,000 to UK-based charities that operate in London and the South-East to help them overcome poverty, abuse and homelessness for the younger members of our society.

Grant size: up to £30,000

Charity size: gross revenue of less than £750,000 (charity must be at least three years old)


Blue Spark Foundation

BlueSpark Foundation is a registered charity which supports the education and development of children and young people by providing grants for educational, cultural, sporting and other projects. 

Funding  is provided for relatively small-scale projects which might not happen at all or would only happen on a lesser scale without the support of BlueSpark; funding provided must be crucial to your project rather than marginally incremental to its funding.

British and Foreign School Society (BFSS) grants

The BFSS supports charitable organisations running UK and International projects to improve access to education or the quality of education for children and young people under the age of 25. 

The BFSS award approximately £900,000 in new grants every year.

BFSS will only consider applications that are specifically targeted towards displaced young people, young carers or care experienced young people in the UK. Projects must be new interventions designed to improve their educational outcomes and life chances.

From 2024, BFSS will be moving to a rolling application process with applications being assessed at regular intervals throughout the year. Applications open October 2023 for Stage 1 Grant Applications

(added 26.09.23)


Buttle UK – Grants for Individual Children

Buttle UK, a charity helping children and young people in need, has established the COVID-19 Direct Emergency Response for Children and Young People Fund, with the support of The National Lottery Community Fund and others.

It is an emergency response to children living in poverty who were already very vulnerable and living in crisis, but whose situations have worsened in the pandemic and lockdown.

On offer are individually tailored grants of up to £2,000 for children and young people who have experienced a recent crisis or significant change in life to improve their social and emotional wellbeing and increase their capacity to engage in education.


Central Social & Recreational Trust

The Central Social and Recreational Trust aims to improve the conditions of boys and girls in England under the age of 21 and of all other persons by reasons of their poverty who would otherwise be unable to obtain facilities for recreational or other leisure time occupations.

Grants will generally be no more than £1,000 although the Trustees will consider applications above this figure in exceptional circumstances.


Children’s Summer Playschemes

Each year, the Trustees of the Woodward Charitable Trust set aside funds for summer playschemes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds between the ages of 5-16 years.  Trustees only fund programmes that run for a minimum of 2 weeks, 10 full days or 20 half days across the summer holidays and will only fund up to 50% of the total cost of a scheme.

Charity size: with an annual turnover  that does not exceed £100,000

Grant size: most grants awarded are in the range of £500 to £1,000. Around 35 grants are made each year

(added 27.3.24)


Children's Mobility and Sensory Equipment

Caudwell Children provides a wide range of specialist mobility and sensory equipment for disabled and autistic children/young people. Powered Wheelchairs

  • Specialised Sports Equipment
  • Therapy Tricycles
  • Sensory Equipment
  • Car Seats and Harnesses
  • Buggies

(added 27.3.24)


The Daylesford Foundation

Traditionally, the Daylesford Foundation’s priorities have been to support children and young people in the three areas described above.  Through the funding programme, the Foundation placed an emphasis on supporting educational projects which display one or more of the following:

  • practical, hands-on experiences to connect children and young people with their food and its production
  • the promotion of responsible land use and respect for our natural environment; notably organic principles           
  • a focus on enterprising, green-field projects; pioneering in approach and execution

In response to a noticeable demand, the Trustees and Grants Board focused on these three areas and in 2015 developed the Agricology project.

The Grants Board will review grant applications twice a year, usually in April and September.

Disability access fund

Bromley Council logoThe disability access fund (DAF) is a measure for early years providers. It is designed to support  children with disabilities or special educational needs.  The DAF aids access to early years places by supporting providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings and helping with building capacity (be that for the child in question or for the benefit of children as a whole attending the setting).


  • Three and four year olds will be eligible for the DAF if they meet both of the following criteria:
  • the child is in receipt of child disability living allowance (DLA)
  • the child receives free early education

Note:  Four-year olds in primary school reception classes are NOT eligible for DAF funding. Children become eligible for free early education at different points in the year depending on when they turn three.



Educational Opportunity Foundation

The Educational Opportunity Foundation supports charitable organisations running UK and International projects to improve access to education or the quality of education for children and young people under the age of 25, from marginalised or low-income communities or displaced by conflict. In the UK we also support education projects for those who have caring responsibilities or experience of living in care.

Funding is available for new or pilot projects and Educational Opportunity Foundation will fund between 25% to 100% of the total project costs, but will give preference to projects with some degree of matched funding. Annual grant payments cannot exceed 50% of an organisation’s 3-year average income.

(added 25.6.24)


Emergency Essentials Programme

BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances, and is delivered by Family Fund Business Services. The programme provides items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing. All applications must be made by a registered referrer.

On 4th October we hosted an online information event with a presentation from the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme. The Emergency Essentials Programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances. Delivered by Family Fund Business Services, the programme provides items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to child’s wellbeing.

The session covered everything you need to know about getting registered and making a successful grant application. With the cost-of-living crisis growing this could be a valuable resource for your charity to access much needed support for your most vulnerable families.

The programme is looking to grow the network of referrers across Bromley who can access these grants on behalf of the children, young people and families they support. Please see resources from the session below.  For further information please contact Steve


Family Fund

Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.

Grants are provided for a wide range of items, such as washing machines, sensory toys, family breaks, bedding, tablets, furniture, outdoor play equipment, clothing and computers. It can be a struggle financially, emotionally and physically for families raising a disabled or seriously ill child, and these grants help break down many of the barriers families face, improving their quality of life and easing the additional daily pressures.


Happy Days Children's Charity

Grants are available for families with children aged 3-17 who are disabled, have a special need or have been abused. There are 3 streams of funding: day trips and visiting theatre; family respite breaks and group activity holidays.


#iwill Fund

The #iwill Fund will enable more young people to take part in social action through high quality opportunities which create lifelong habits.

The #iwill Fund distributes its investment through working in partnership with other funders. A collaborative group of 30 Match Funders have joined the #iwill Fund to date by match funding the investment on at least a £1:£1 ratio, developing funding programmes that enable more young people, particularly from less affluent communities, to take part in high quality social action that builds a habit for life.


The Jack Petchey Foundation grants

The Jack Petchey Foundation (JPF) run a wide range of grants opportunities for schools and youth organisations across London and Essex to help create more opportunities for young people.

Click here to download the JPF Grants Opportunities presentation, which was presented at a funding information session on 17th January 2023.


The Jack Petchey Foundation Achievement Awards

Jack Petchey Achievement Award winners are young people who have gone above and beyond to achieve – perhaps when others thought they might fail.

Each award winner will receive a certificate, pin badge and a book from Sir Jack himself. They will also choose how to spend a £300 grant to benefit their school or organisation.


The James Ahern Foundation

Small grants to young people, to help them pursue their passion in life. You might be suffering a disadvantage through disability, social or economic background, mental health or addiction issues, or just struggling to find your way in life. What is important to is that you have a passion and can demonstrate that.


Kellogg's Grants for Schools

From September 21st, Kellogg’s are offering your school the opportunity to apply for a grant of £1000 to help fund your breakfast club.

A limited number of grants are available so priority will be given to those schools that have 35% and above of children in receipt of pupil premium funding.


Masonic Charitable Foundation grants

The Masonic Charitable Foundation is tackling some of society’s most important issues through grants to charities – both local and national – and partnerships with leading organisations in the sector. Both small and large grants are available to charities under two programmes:

  • Children and Young People grant: This programme is open to national and local charities helping disadvantaged children and young people to overcome the challenges they face.
  • Later Life grant: The Later Life Inclusion grants programme is open to local and national charities that are working to reduce loneliness and isolation in later life.

Small grants

Charity size: annual income between £25,000 and £500,000. These grants are unrestricted.

Grant size: £1,000 - £5,000 per year, for up to three years.

Large grants

Large grants are for larger charities; they must be restricted to a project.

Charity size: annual income is between £500,000 and £10m.

Grant size: £10,000 - £60,000. They can be awarded over one to three years.

(accurate as at 8.8.23)


Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Marvellous Family Grants are for families facing financial hardship while caring for a child with a serious illness. Grants of up to £1000 are available to help families cope. Applications have to be made by health or social care professionals on behalf of the family. No deadline and applications are reviewed at monthly meetings.


School Holiday Activity Fund (SHAF)

SHAF is designed to enable organisations to deliver fun and accessible activities for children and young people during the school holidays. This includes all half-term breaks, Easter, Christmas and the summer holiday.

Organisations may apply for the running costs of holiday programmes that provide young people with activities in supportive and accessible.

Grant size: £4,000


The Shackleton Foundation

The Shackleton Foundation supports social leaders whose projects benefit young people in challenging circumstances.

The foundation provides up to £10,000 of seed funding and support to enable aspiring leaders and social entrepreneurs to establish their own ventures. They look for long-lasting, far-reaching projects with the potential to provide solutions to intractable social problems faced by disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people

(added 18.6.24)


The Taylor Family Foundation

The Taylor Family Foundation’s objective is to empower disadvantaged children and young people to better their future. Areas of focus:

  • Children and young people
  • The arts
  • Social inclusion
  • Age group (The majority of future grants will be used to fund projects which focus on young people 11-25 years old)
  • Geographical focus (For smaller projects, the Foundation have a particular focus on the London Borough of Merton in which it is based)

If you feel your project aligns with the Foundation’s funding objectives, please complete the contact form on the website with a summary of your project aims, beneficiaries and location with your contact details.

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


The UK Small Grant

This programme is designed to support excellent local organisations and projects that work with: disabled children and young people;

  • children and young people with life-limiting conditions;
  • and their families.

Grant size: up to £10,000, although many grants are smaller than this.


Variety - The Children's Charity

Variety have a range of grants for children and those working with children, (up to and including the age of 18) who are experiencing sickness, disability or disadvantage:

  • Sunshine coaches
  • Wheelchairs
  • Children's hospital grants
  • Equipment grants
  • Youth club grants
  • Variety Great Days Out


Variety: The Children’s Charity - Youth Clubs Grants

Funding for tangible resources including, but not limited to:

  • Sports, gym and games equipment
  • Computers, printers and IT equipment
  • Photography and film equipment
  • Consoles, accessories and games
  • Arts and crafts materials
  • Musical instruments and recording equipment

Allocation will very much depend on how many eligible applications the Charity receive and the funds available to the Youth Clubs Committee at any one time. Currently, the average grant is between £250 and £600.

To be eligible for a Youth Club Grant, you must be affiliated to a national youth organisation such as Ambition, UK Youth or Association of Boys and Girls Clubs. At present uniformed organisations are not funded.


Wooden Spoon

Grants of up to £30,000 available for projects or physical assets that benefit children and young people under 25 years old and disadvantaged by either physical or mental disability or social deprivation – or any combination of the three.


Community improvement

Clarion Housing

Clarion Housing Group provide all sorts of grants for projects which benefit their residents and their local communities.


Housing Innovation Fund

The Mayor's Innovation Fund is available for those using innovative ways to deliver more affordable homes in London. This is part of Homes for Londoners, which brings together the Mayor's work to tackle the housing crisis.

Innovation can take many forms, but the Mayor is keen to understand how funding can support:

  • community-led housing
  • offsite and precision manufacturing of homes
  • new accommodation for homeless households

We are encouraging proposals from those that provide genuinely affordable homes to Londoners.


Persimmon Community Champions

Persimmon Community Champions fund local good causes across the UK.

Each of their 31 businesses and their PLC head office are giving away up to £2,000 every month – £64,000 a month available to fund local community initiatives.

Applying for a donation is really simple. All you need to do is complete the online form telling why your group or charity deserves our donation.


Covid-19 relief/recovery

Active Together Fund

Sport England's Active Together Fund is a £7.5 million fund, with up to £10,000 in match funding, as part of a support package to help clubs and organisations set up and run crowdfunding campaigns related to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, as well as the emerging energy, cost of living or other local crises - such as adverse weather.

To date, they have supported campaigns with a financial pledge towards their target fundraising amount, but in addition to this, they have been providing:

  • free 1-2-1 coaching by experts
  • advice and guidance on campaign improvements
  • access to free online courses
  • free 30-minute webinars, monthly.

(updated 10.1.24)


Buttle UK – Grants for Individual Children

Buttle UK, a charity helping children and young people in need, has established the COVID-19 Direct Emergency Response for Children and Young People Fund, with the support of The National Lottery Community Fund and others.

It is an emergency response to children living in poverty who were already very vulnerable and living in crisis, but whose situations have worsened in the pandemic and lockdown.

On offer are individually tailored grants of up to £2,000 for children and young people who have experienced a recent crisis or significant change in life to improve their social and emotional wellbeing and increase their capacity to engage in education.


Funding during Covid-19 (COVID-19)

TNLCF is open to all applications that meet the funding criteria, including support during COVID-19. The funding can support you to:

  • continue to deliver activity, whether you're responding to the immediate crisis or supporting recovery activity 
  • change and adapt, becoming more resilient in order to respond to new and future challenges.

Follow the links below for more information and to apply:

Grants up to £10,000

Grants above £10,000


Local Action - Crowdfunder

Helping voluntary or community organisations overcome the effects of the pandemic.





Alpkit Foundation grants

The Alpkit Foundation is the charity that helps people ‘Go Nice Places Do Good Things’. The Foundation supports by making small awards to people, groups and schools that work to remove the barriers in getting outdoors and experience wild places. The Foundation support grass-roots direct action projects that tackle issues such as the community response to Covid 19, diversity & inclusion in the outdoors, participation, education, conservation and protection of our natural environment and health & well-being. Support takes the form small awards to many projects and help projects get off the ground.


Community Garden Grants

In addition to our annual donations to nursing and health charities, the National Garden Scheme gives grants to help community gardening projects.

Eligible costs could include, for example, site preparation (including hire of small mechanical tools such as rotavators), hand tools, plants, trees, shrubs, containers and seating.

Grant size: between minimum £500 and maximum £5000


DPD Eco Fund

The DPD Eco Fund (the "Fund") is a fund to be spent on sustainability-related programmes by a range of different organisations. The maximum amount that an applicant may receive from the Fund is £2,000 per application.

Any monies transferred from the Fund to an applicant shall be considered a donation and not an investment. In order to be eligible to apply for a donation from the Fund, applications must be made on behalf of a: 

  • third sector organisation;
  • charity;
  • school;
  • community organisation; or
  • a small or medium enterprise with less than 10 employees.


The Energy Redress Scheme

Energy Saving Trust has been appointed by Ofgem to distribute payments from companies who may have breached Ofgem rules. Registered Charities, Community Interest Companies, Co-operative Societies and Community Benefit Societies can apply for funds to deliver energy related projects that meet the scheme priorities and benefit people in England, Scotland and Wales. Energy Saving Trust will be administering the scheme until 2024.

The Energy Redress Scheme is only open to registered organisations in England, Scotland and Wales, and Housing Associations that are exempted charities.  The minimum grant that can be requested is £20,000.

(added 15.8.23)


Ernest Cook Trust grants programme

Grants for registered charities, schools and not-for-profit organisations working to encourage young people’s interest in the countryside and the environment. As of January 2019 they are reviewing the focus of their grant giving. Keep an eye on their website for news.


Gardening with Disabilities Trust

The Trust is a small, volunteer-only charity with a specific remit, to help you back into gardening.

Typically, the Trust can pay for: raised beds; Poly Tunnels; greenhouses; tools; small-scale garden adaptations. e.g. access pathways; plants or shrubs; compost.

(added 27.3.24)


London Biggin Hill Airport Community Fund

London Biggin Hill Airport Community Fund aims to give something back to the surrounding communities who are affected by being situated in close proximity to the airport. It reflects our aim to develop the airport in a sustainable way, respectful of the local community and the environment. The Fund is awarded annually to projects that meet at least one of the criteria set by the Committee.

Grant size: requests are normally a maximum of £1,000 per application

(added 8.8.23)


Metropolitan Public Gardens Association

The Metropolitan Public Gardens Association (MPGA) has been giving grants to community projects, and making a difference across the 33 London boroughs, for over 130 years.

Over the years, MPGA given grants to Libraries, Churchyards, Parks and Gardens as well as Street Scenes, Hospitals and Hospices, Allotments, Community Gardens, Museums, Schools and Community Centres, many of which benefit the disadvantaged.


Network Rail Community Tree Planting Fund

The Tree Council and Network Rail are once again working in partnership to deliver a programme of community tree planting for the 2023/24 tree planting season.
For the 2023/24 tree planting season we will award funding for projects in three bands:

  • Main Grants - Projects between £2,500 and £5,000
  • Large Grants - Projects between £5,000 and £15,000
  • Flagship Grants - Projects over £15,000
  • Flagship Grants will be awarded in limited numbers to those projects that deliver a significant impact across our programme priorities.

If you are interested in applying to this fund, please email to find out more.

(added 23.1.24)


The Niniveh Charitable Trust

The Nineveh Charitable Trust supports a broad range of UK-based projects and activities of benefit to the General Public, with an emphasis on promoting better understanding of the countryside. The Trust promotes:

  1. The health, welfare and education of the general public
  2. The study and appreciation of agriculture, silviculture, ecology and land management
  3. The study and appreciation of land and estate management that encourages conservation of the countryside.

The Trustees shall endeavour to support proposals that meet these Aims and that are for the benefit of the public or relevant charitable bodies.

(added 11.7.23)


Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund

The £1 million Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund is here to help community groups across the UK to protect and restore nature in their local area. Whether you’re working together to plant community gardens, support local wildlife or anything else you do to help nature near you, AVIVA will give you £2 for every £1 you raise, to help your project reach its fundraising target quicker.

(added 09.05.23)


Scrappage scheme

The Mayor of London has launched a new £110m scrappage scheme providing financial assistance to help eligible Londoners scrap their highest polluting vehicles to prepare for the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) across all London boroughs
29th August 2023.

Vans and minibuses: Grant payment £5,000 - £9,500

The ULEZ van and minibuses scrappage scheme is open to micro businesses (with up to 10 employees), sole traders and registered charities. Your organisation must operate within the 32 boroughs of London or the City of London.

(added 8.8.23)


The Swire Charitable Trust

Application windows close 2-3 weeks before their Trustee Meetings. Applications for less than £25,000 are considered at monthly meetings and large requests (£25,000 plus) at quarterly meetings. Next quarterly meeting will be held in October.

(accurate as at 8.8.23)


UK Community Tree Planting Programme

ITF’s UK Community Tree Planting Programme supports grassroots community engagement in tree planting. The programme has supported more than 50 small-scale projects over the last 20 years, from community orchards to native woodland planting. ITF is now seeking to continue and expand this work with a new round of UK tree-planting projects in 2021, focused on community-led initiatives across the UK. We award grants of up to £6,000 to local community projects.


The Woodland Trust's Free Trees for Schools and Communities

The Woodland Trust is giving away hundreds of thousands of trees to schools and communities. Together, we'll get millions more trees in the ground.

Choose your pack(s) from the list and fill out the application form. The Trust makes two deliveries a year, in March and November. Applications for November delivery are expected to close in August, or sooner depending on stock availability.

(added 11.6.24)



Allchurches Trust grants

Grant funding supporting projects run by churches of many denominations and Christian organisations. When considering applications, the Trust considers how well the aims of the project align with its areas of funding focus. These are:

  • Building communities, especially where they are hurting or broken
  • Helping people, especially those in particular need, to flourish
  • Growing churches, spiritually and numerically

Grants normally fund capital projects and equipment, not salaries or running costs.

The Trust’s primary charitable object is to promote the Christian faith or any other charitable purpose.

No application deadlines; applications are dealt with as they come in. Every application is reviewed by the Trustees and a decision communicated within three to six months. 


Assumption Legacy Fund

The Assumption Legacy Fund (ALF) is a grant-making trust set up to support charitable projects for the public benefit in the UK. ALF gives priority to the advancement of education, with a focus on the Roman Catholic faith, and for the advancement of the Roman Catholic religion.

Organisations do not have to be registered charities but must be not-for-profit to be considered. Social enterprises, Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO) and Community Interest Companies (CIC) are eligible provided they are not-for-profit, or any profit is reinvested in the organisation.

ALF’s current priorities are: 

  • Education of disadvantaged young people 
  • Formation in and support of shared leadership within Roman Catholic schools and sixth form colleges 
  • Lay people working in or alongside the Roman Catholic church, particularly youth workers and those engaged in transformative education in the tradition of the Assumption

Grant size: £5,000 to £50,000 per annum and can be awarded on a one-off basis or for up to 3 years.

How to Apply: Applications to the Assumption Legacy fund are by invitation only; the funder does not accept unsolicited applications. If your organisation or your work meets at least one of the priorities listed above, you can send ALF a brief paragraph explaining what you are seeking funding for and stating how much you are requesting at

(added 27.3.24)


Childs Charitable Trust

The Childs Charitable Trust is a grant-making trust, supporting Christian UK registered charities and organisations working both in the UK and overseas. Applicants must share the Christian ethos of the Childs Charitable Trust.

The Vision of the Trust is to see a world where every person has the potential to hear and respond to the gospel message. The Trust’s Mission, to help achieve the vision, is to strategically fund Christian organisations that actively share the Christian gospel.

Application Deadlines:

  • Applications received in September, October and November will be considered at the February trustees’ meeting
  • Applications received in December, January and February will be considered at the April trustees’ meeting
  • Applications received in March, April and May will be considered at the July trustees’ meeting
  • Applications received in June, July and August will be considered at the October trustees’ meeting

(accurate at 4.9.24)


Funding from Westhill

Westhill consider support for a wide range of projects and have particular interests in activities involving formal and informal religious education, projects utilising the creative and performing arts, and projects facilitating interfaith activity.

Westhill also consider grants that develop the capacity of organisations to better serve the needs of their beneficiaries, or service users, in the fields of religious education and faith-motivated community transformation.

Westhill value projects built on solid foundations, knowledge of your community or audience, clear objectives, and a viable and carefully budgeted action plan.

Westhill generally consider applications for grants requiring investment of between £500 and £20,000. The larger sums are usually for projects running over two years.


New John James Charitable Trust

The John James Charitable Trust is a grant making charity which give grants to organisations involved in ministry with a Christian focus.

Grant size: the average grant is £2,000

Application deadline: apply at any time

(added 20.8.24)


Magnify Foundation

Magnify Foundation is a grant making charity that seeks to play a specific role in advancing the Christian faith by supporting individuals; small to medium sized charities, and community-based organisations who are at a particular point in their development and relieving those in need.

Inspiring Faith Grants

Magnify Foundation offer a range of grants for individuals, local churches, and organisations.

(added 9.7.24)


The Mercer’s Company - Church & Communities funding

Support available for churches and other faith and community-based organisations that strengthen communities and families.  The work seeks to build positive and inclusive relationships between people, increase a sense of belonging and reduce isolation. Funding priorities:

Build Stronger Communities 

  • in the most disadvantaged areas where communities come together to address what is important to them
  • community responses to support people who are refugees or homeless

Deliver Better Outcomes for Families and Carers 

  • families facing poverty or other challenges
  • carers and their families 

Grant size: £10,000 to £100,000 for up to three years


Saltley Trust

The Trust can work in partnership with you to develop, realise and evaluate your project idea, help share its results with others, and offer small to medium-sized grant funding for good projects. The Trust’s three main areas of benefit are:

  • Christian learning, discipleship and theological education, particularly amongst the most marginalised
  • The churches’ work in, and contribution to, the FE and lifelong learning sectors
  • Strengthening religious education in schools, particularly teaching and learning about and from Christianity

Funding steams: 

  • Major Projects Fund
  • Medium Sized Projects Fund
  • Consolidation and Development Fund
  • Small Grants Fund

(added 27.3.24)


The Slavanka Trust

The Object of The Slavanka Trust is to advance Christianity in particular by the establishment and running of Christian Conference Centres and other residential Christian activities and the provision of Christian education.

The majority of grants will be up to £5,000 in any one year.

(added 27.3.24)



The Architectural Heritage Fund

The Architectural Heritage Fund are currently offering grants of up to £10,000 to support early-stage feasibility work on historic building projects.

In 2023/24, the Fund will prioritise projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Involve new use of a vacant historic building.
  • Are in the top 30% most deprived areas (according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation).
  • Involve and support diverse communities.
  • Have a strong focus on environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.
  • Help revive high streets.
  • Contribute to local regeneration schemes.

Grant size: Up to £10,000

Applications can be submitted anytime

(added 11.7.23)


The Chestnut Fund – grants for conservation

The Chestnut Fund is part of TCV’s (The Conservation Volunteers) commitment to support Community Network members. The fund makes grants available to encourage and enable community groups to carry out conservation activities. The applications are considered and administered by TCV Chestnut Fund Committee.

The grants fall into two categories:

  • ‘Start-up’ grants: the maximum grant will be £160
  • ‘Support’ grants: the maximum grant will be £350


Digital Skills for Heritage Tranche 8: Digital Volunteering funding

Funding is available for organisations and partnerships to create and support new digital volunteering opportunities.

Is your organisation looking to establish new digital volunteering opportunities and roles in the UK?

  • Will your project support UK heritage?
  • Do you require a grant of between £10,000 to £100,000?
  • Will your project last no longer than 18 months?
  • Are you a not-for-profit organisation or a partnership led by a not-for-profit organisation?
  • If you answered yes to these questions, then Digital Skills for Heritage Tranche 8: Digital Volunteering funding is for you.


Historic England Grant Schemes

Historic England have different schemes available:-

  • Grants for people who own or manage individual historic sites and need to repair them or understand them better
  • Grants for local authorities, for sites and buildings in their area
  • and grants for organisations who want to encourage better understanding, management and conservation of the historic environment in its many and varied forms.

To find out more, take a look at their website and their funding priorities. They strongly recommend that you contact your local office to discuss your project before making any grant application.


Historical Houses Foundation

The Historic Houses Foundation (HHF) is a charitable grant giving foundation.

The main aims of the Foundation are to support the preservation of buildings of historic or architectural significance together with their gardens and grounds, and to support the restoration and conservation of works of art in historic houses open to the public.

Grant size: The minimum HHF grant on offer is £1,000 and the maximum is for £250,000 but an award of this size is only made under exceptional circumstances. Most grants are for less than £50,000.

The Foundation do not specify that this funding has to be matched, however they will expect applicants to make some contribution from their own resources. The HHF also expects applicants to have considered (and where appropriate to have applied for) other sources of funding.

(added 11.7.23)


2024 Movement for Good Awards

Nominate a charity to receive £1,000!

The Movement for Good Awards is an annual platform for giving, set up by all the businesses that make up the Benefact Group. It's an opportunity to make a tangible difference to the lives of the people and communities we serve, by supporting the charities, not-for-profit organisations, and community interest projects that mean something to you.


National Heritage Memorial Fund’s COVID-19 Response Fund

Launched in June 2021, this funding stream offers project grants to support any heritage asset which is:

  • of outstanding importance to the national heritage
  • at risk due to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19)

A total of £40million is being distributed by NHMF, made up of two lots of £20m:

  • NHMF has made a commitment of £20m, which is available to applicants from across the UK.
  • A £20m Cultural Assets Fund has been made available by DCMS as part of the government’s wider Culture Recovery Fund. This funding will safeguard nationally important heritage assets within England.

Distributing NHMF’s own commitment as a single fund with the Cultural Assets Fund will ensure a UK-wide balance of funding.

This funding is available until the end of April 2023. There are no deadlines for applications.


National Lottery Heritage Fund grants

The National Lottery Heritage Grants programme funds projects that value, care for and sustain heritage for everyone across the UK, now and in the future.  

From historic buildings, our industrial legacy and the natural environment, to collections, traditions, stories and more heritage can be anything from the past that you value and want to pass on to future generations.

National Lottery Heritage Grants programme offers funding at two levels:

  • £10,000 to £250,000 – applications are accepted all year round
  • £250,000 to £10million - these grants have quarterly deadlines; applicants must submit an Expression of Interest before starting a full funding application

(updated 31.1.24)



LGBT+ Futures Bi Fund

This funding is ringfenced for bi led organisations doing work specifically with bi communities. To be eligible, the primary purpose of your organisation or group must be to support bi communities. Projects within broader LGBT+ organisations will not be eligible for this Fund.

(added 11.6.24)


The Unity Fund

The Unity Fund is designed to build stronger communities by supporting LGBT+ grassroot organisations in London whose work enhances the lives of LGBT+ people.

Charity size: LGBT+ organisations operating with a yearly budget of not more than £100,000.

Grant size: up to £10,000

(added 11.7.23)



The Access Foundation

To be eligible to apply for a grant from The Access Foundation an organisation must be aligned with the following objectives:

  1. Digital Opportunities: to have as a key objective the mitigation of the digital divide by making computing facilities, support and/or learning available to disadvantaged and vulnerable people.
  2. Chosen Charity: be one of (or shortlisted for) the chosen Access Group Company Charities of the Year, of any year, past or present.
  3. Emotional Connection: Be a charity for whom there is a strong emotional connection with a member of staff of The Access Group (e.g. through support they or a close relative have received from the charity


AIM grants

AIM grants are available to help Association of Independent Museums' members develop and grow their organisations and underpin key areas of activity. AIM membership is a pre-requisite for all the grant schemes: 

  • AIM Connected Communitie
  • New Stories New Audiences
  • AIM Pilgrim Trust Collections and Conservation Grants
  • AIM Higher
  • AIM Arts Scholars Brighter Day grant scheme
  • AIM training grants

(added 8.8.23)


Alec Dickson Trust

The Alec Dickson Trust supports volunteering or community service projects that are organised and run by people under the age of 30. Grants of up to £500 are available. The trustees meet approximately once every three months to discuss applications.


Alburys Charitable Foundation

The Foundation make grants to other charities engaged in the relief of children in need by reason of ill-health, disability or financial hardship; helping young artists to develop their careers in musical theatre; protecting animals indigenous to the UK or providing a welfare environment for displaced domestic animals; and, occasionally, supporting major charities at the time of an international emergency. Bromley, Croydon, East Sussex, Kent, Surrey, Sutton, West Sussex.

For more information contact


The Ann Rylands Small Donations programme

The Ann Rylands Small Donations programme makes grants of up to £1,500 to support smaller charities across the UK providing support for older people, people with disabilities or others facing difficulties in their lives.

Applications are only accepted from charities registered and operating within the UK. The Trust does not accept applications from individuals, faith-based charities, or from charities whose annual income exceeds £5 million.

Successful applicants are awarded grants of up to £5,000 towards the charity’s core costs or to support a specific project. This programme does not award multi-year funding or provide substantial sums for capital appeals.

Applications will be prioritised for charities which offer practical support for:

  • older people
  • people with disabilities or living with serious illness, or
  • people facing challenges with mental health, social exclusion, homelessness or other difficulties in their lives.

All applications must be submitted using the online application form. Charities are asked not to send appeals by letter or e-mail as these will not be considered.

There are no specific dates for submitting applications. Appeals may be made at any time and will be considered by the Trustees as soon as possible. Applicants should contact the Trust, should they have any further questions on

(accurate as at 5.7.23)


Antony Hornby Charitable Trust

The Trust makes general charitable donations to organisations working in the following causes: education, training and employment; medical, health and sickness; arts and culture; animals and environment; and community development.

Grant size: typically around £1,000 and rarely over £5,000, however no maximum amount you can apply for is stipulated.

Application deadline: continuous rolling programme.

The Trust does not operate a website. For more information, and how to apply, use the contact details below.

Antony Hornby Charitable Trust
C/O Saffery Champness LLP
71 Queen Victoria Street

Phone: 020 7841 4000

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust

The Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust supports socially disadvantaged groups and individuals in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The London Committee is responsible for selecting which charities receive grants.

Charity size: registered charities with an annual income not exceeding £500,000 will be considered.

Grant size: up to £10,000

(added 23.1.24)


Arora Family Foundation

Applications from organisations or individuals based within England and Wales will be considered where the main purpose of the applicant is to:

  • Further the relief of poverty;
  • Carry out research into health eg. Cancer, heart, other;
  • Further child welfare.


The Archer Trust

The Archer Trust is a UK Christian charitable grant-making trust, set up in 1994 in memory of Ronnie Archer, who rose through the ranks of Unilever to become Vice-Chairman. It is hoped that the Archer Trust will be a fitting memorial to a talented but modest man.

The Trust prefer to support organisations working in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. They favour charities which make good use of volunteers. The Trust support projects both in the UK and overseas, but for overseas projects only via UK charities which can ensure that funds are being well used.


The Arnold Clark Community Fund 

The Arnold Clark Community Fund helps registered UK charities and community groups close to our branches build stronger communities across the UK.

Gear Up For Sport: from basketball to boxing, rugby to running clubs, youth sports teams aged 4 - 15 with up to 30 members are eligible to enter for the chance to get their team kitted out for free.

Cost-of-living support: supporting projects which help those within our communities currently experiencing hardship as a result of the rising cost of living.

Communities Support:available to organisations who provide services which are widely accessible to those within our local communities and address the needs of the people living within them, supporting our local communities to a better future.

(added 2.7.24)



ARTCRY is a new fund supporting urgent artistic responses to current social and political events.

They are looking to support projects which need funding immediately in order to make them possible: projects and people who are looking to make change and are making work of a time-critical nature which means they can’t access other funding options.

  • Work must be free for audiences and presented in the public realm which includes digital spaces. 
  • We are focusing on UK audiences at the moment and funding artists currently living in the UK.
  • Work funded by ARTCRY could be part of an international project, or in response to international events but targeting UK audiences. 

Grant size: there is no minimum amount, the maximum grant is £2,500.  
Application deadline: on a rolling basis, there are no deadlines for submission.


Aviva Community Fund

The Aviva Community Fund helps local causes build stronger communities across the UK.

Funding is available for organisations looking to raise up to £50,000 and eligible causes can apply at any time. Once your application is approved, you’ll create a page that explains the project, its aims and add your fundraising target.


Axis Foundation

Grants of up to £10,000 for small, local projects or causes that will make a measurable impact on people’s lives. A range of organisations can apply, registered charities, community groups, schools, limited companies and individuals.


BA Better World Community Fund

BA Better World Community Fund are creating more life-changing opportunities and generating more positive impact in the communities they serve by offering up to £50,000 in extra funding to eligible projects that crowdfund.

Grant size: up to £50,000

(accurate as at 2.8.23)


Benefact Trust

The Trust accepts applications from Christian charities and churches in the UK and Ireland, but also may fund non-Christian charities under certain programmes (i.e. their Heritage Skills and Crisis Response programmes). 

  • Community Impact Grants: a programme of funding aimed at supporting projects that directly address the social challenges faced by some of the most vulnerable communities in our society.
  • Building Improvement Grants: for the essential repair and improvement of churches and Christian buildings. 
  • Heritage Skills for Christian Buildings Grants: focused on the preservation of essential heritage skills and careers through apprenticeships, scholarships, and training courses.
  • Methodist Grants: for building projects that support Methodist churches in their mission and ministry, with a particular focus on church growth, community engagement and accessibility.
  • Roof Alarm Grants: to protect churches from metal theft.

(added 27.3.24)


Big Give: Making your donations go further

Why fundraise with Big Give? Raising money can be challenging. Match funding is a proven method to encourage more people to give, and people to give more.

  • Boost your resilience
  • Grow your skills
  • Double your impact


The Blakemore Foundation

The Blakemore Foundation is a charitable trust established by the Blakemore family to support good causes across A.F. Blakemore’s trading area (see map on the website).

The Foundation offers four types of grants: In Kind Donations; Monetary Donations; Match Fund Donations and Independent Retails Donations.


Black Heritage Fund

If you are a project or organisation in the UK that works with the Black community and you’d like our support, please get in touch by emailing

The Fund’s initial focus is on grassroots organisations and projects, but are keen to hear from anyone who thinks Black Heritage Fund could help them support the Black community.


Bromley Trust

Grants of between £5000 and £20,000 per year for up to 3 years, are available for registered charities that are working in the areas of human rights and prison reform. 


Building a Stronger Britain Together

The Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) programme supports civil society and community organisations who work to increase the resilience of individuals and communities to extremism, stand up to extremism in all its forms and offer vulnerable individuals a positive alternative, regardless of race, faith, sexuality, age and gender.


Caron Keating Foundation

The Caron Keating Foundation aims to support small cancer charities across the country by awarding grants for a variety of work/equipment e.g pieces of machinery which detect faster, counselling services, different types of hospice care, drivers to take cancer patients to and from treatment centres, complementary therapies to help with pain control and bereavement counselling.


Celia Blakey Charitable Trust

Grants for charitable organisations carrying out projects to help children, older people and disabled people in the UK. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount for this fund and the there are no application deadlines as the Trust operates a continuous rolling programme.

For more information and to apply please contact: 

The Celia Blakey Charitable Trust
Portrait Solicitors
21 Whitefriars Street

Tel: 020 7092 6990


The Chapman Charitable Trust's (CCT)

CCT are a UK grant-giving charity focused on organisations which promote physical and mental wellbeing, conserve our natural environment, and increase the accessibility of the arts. CCT trustees meet twice a year to distribute the income of the charity. Only applications from registered UK charities will be accepted.

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


Cinnamon Incubator Competition

For more than 10 years, the Incubator Programme has been helping social action projects to grow and replicate. The programme looks for innovative social action projects that are already set up and making an impact in one or more locations. You might be a social enterprise, a small charity, a CIC or a group of churches working together.

To apply you should be:

  • Responding to challenges in your communities
  • Supported by a local church or group of churches
  • Ambitious to expand across the country
  • Taking an innovative approach 

What's in offer

  • A £20,000 development grant will be awarded to one winning project.
  • Five places on the Cinnamon Incubator Programme are available for the projects that reach the final.
  • Potential funders and philanthropists will be invited to meet the projects at the final.

(added 11.6.23)


City Bridge Foundation Small Grants (formerly City Bridge Trust)

Support for projects and organisations that focus on greening and growing, working with older people, working with Deaf and Disabled people, working with the LGBTQIA+ community, and working with migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. 

Grant size: Up to £20,000 per year for a maximum of five years

Charity Size: income of less than £200,000

(accurate as at 4.10.23)


City Bridge Foundation Stepping Stones Fund (formerly City Bridge Trust)

The Stepping Stones Fund is a social investment readiness facility for charitable organisations in Greater London. It is delivered in partnership with UBS.

This Fund is open to previous, current and new applicants. Applications will be considered under the following strands:

  • Capacity building grants for charitable organisations
  • Grants to pilot better outcomes:

Grant size: There is no minimum, but the maximum grant amount is £50,000*

*It is not the Trust’s policy to award large grants to small organisations. As a general rule, the Stepping Stones Fund will not fund more than 50% of an organisation’s total revenue income.

 (added 24.5.23)


CLA Charitable Trust

The CLA Charitable Trust support charitable organisations that access the benefits of the countryside to pursue the health and wellbeing of people and to provide opportunities for education about the countryside in England and Wales.

Priority areas: children and young people, disadvantaged financially, physically, mentally, or from areas of deprivation.

Charity size: smaller organisations with a turnover of less than £1.5million. Larger organisations may still apply but are less likely to be successful.

Grant size: the maximum grant is £5,000.

(added 16.7.24)


The Clothworkers’ Foundation Open Grants programme

The Foundation's Open Grants programme awards grants to UK registered charities, CICs, and other registered UK not-for-profit organisations (including special schools). Grants are awarded towards capital projects which they define as:

  • Buildings: Purchase, construction, renovation or refurbishment.
  • Fittings, Fixtures, and Equipment: This includes but is not limited to office equipment/furniture, sports/gym equipment, digital/audio visual equipment, garden equipment, specialist therapeutic (excluding medical) equipment. It does not include equipment for one-off use, or which will be given to service users for personal use on a permanent basis.
  • Vehicles: This includes a minibus, car, caravan, people-carrier, or 4X4. The Foundation is unlikely to fund the total cost of a new vehicle and do not provide grants towards vehicle leasing.

The Foundation funds both large and small projects. The size of grant awarded will depend on a number of factors including the size of your organisation and the cost and scale of your capital project. 

You must be able to demonstrate that the work of your organisation fits within one or more of the Foundation’s nine programme areas, and that at least 50% of service users benefiting from the capital project are from one or more of those groups. 

The Open Grants Programme is a rolling grants programme

(accurate as at 8.8.23)


The Community Investment Fund

The Community Investment Fund (CIF) was launched in February 2014. The fund lends amounts of between £250,000 and £2 million. They look for community based, locally led organisations which are providing essential services to improve the well-being of local residents, developing the local economy and creating positive social change for all individuals in the community.

(added 18.6.24)


The Community Shares Booster Programme

The ReBoost fund helps all types of community businesses to prepare a community share offer, to support their recovery from COVID-19.

  • Development grants – up to £5,000.
  • Match equity investment – typically matching pound for pound up to £25,000


The Connect Fund

The Connect Fund currently has four programme areas – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Post Covid-19 Recovery; Peer Networks and Challenge Funds.

The funding strands for each area have been developed to align with Access’ strategic objectives and to respond to the current needs of the social investment market.

Community Business Crowdmatch

Whether it’s launching new ideas to help your neighbourhood, help meet increased demand, save a community space or help bridge a funding gap, Community Business Crowdmatch will match fund what you raise from the crowd.

Power to Change will match fund up to 50% of your target, to a maximum of £10,000, as long as you can raise the rest through crowdfunding.


The Drapers' Company Charitable Fund

This Fund awards grants to help improve the quality of life for people and their communities. They focus on the disadvantaged and socially excluded, with grants in the fields of education and young people, and social welfare. Grants are also awarded in support of textiles and heritage. There is no minimum or maxiumum grant. Grants are normally awarded for sums between £5,000 and £15,000 to charities working in Greater London. 

(accurate as at 8.8.23)


Dulverton Trust

Categories of funding offered by the Trust:

  • Youth opportunities - the largest category, which aims to support charities working with socio-economically disadvantaged children and young people. We fund initiatives that support young people to develop the life skills to enable them to thrive.
  • General Welfare – support for a wide range of charities that benefit disadvantaged people and communities
  • Conservation – support for charities working to support the health and resilience of the UK’s wildlife habitat
  • Heritage – support for the development of craftsmanship in the traditional techniques of repair and restoration


DWF Foundation

The DWF Foundation (also referred to as the Foundation) is an independent charity, founded by DWF. It has the sole aim of providing funds, resources and mentoring support to help individuals, groups and communities to achieve their full potential. 

Themes: Education; Employability;  Homelessness;  Health and wellbeing, and   Environment and sustainability.

Grant size: the Foundation does not have a minimum grant size but the majority of our grants will fall under £5,000.
Application deadline: applications will be accepted at any time.


EA Foundation

The EA Foundation is an independent charitable foundation. The Foundation receives funds from Energy Aspects that it distributes to good causes, but it is run independently from the company.

​Funding is provided to eligible organisations and projects which further the aims of the EA Foundation:

  • To provide educational opportunities for children, young people and adults, particularly from disadvantaged communities;
  • To improve access to basic services such as healthcare, clean water and electricity in disadvantaged communities;
  • To address poverty and financial hardship; and
  • To tackle environmental challenges and promote sustainable development. 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.



Thousands of third sector and voluntary organisations recommend easyfundraising. Through easyfundraising, 7,000 online retailers such as Amazon, eBay, Just Eat, Trainline and Sainsbury’s will donate to your organisation when your volunteers, staff and supporters shop with them.

It means everyday online spending turns into a continuous income stream your organisation can put to good use. Take the experience and knowledge of other organisations to make 2023 your best fundraising year yet.

We hosted an Easyfundraising workshop on 22nd February 2023. Click the links below for resources from the workshop:


Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme

Round six of the Energy Redress Scheme is now open for applications! There is an incredible £17 million available to help support vulnerable energy consumers and reduce fuel poverty.

The Energy Redress Scheme is open to supporting a wide range of different activities. It can provide capital or revenue funding and can provide up to 100% of the project cost. It can fund projects lasting up to 2 years and the minimum grant request is £20,000.


Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust (EKCT)

Requests for funding must fit within one of the following areas of EKCT’s remit to: 

  • Support beneficiaries located in Sussex, within one of EKCT’s focus areas as follows: care of the elderly; disability; general welfare; hospices; youth; wildlife & environmental conservation.
  • Deliver international or UK based wildlife & environmental conservation projects.
  • Deliver international reproductive health family planning projects which have a clear and intended impact on the environment and are delivered in Africa or Asia.

Small Grant: up to £10,000 (applications accepted throughout the year)

Medium Grant: £10,001 to £20,000

Application cycles: 

  • 4th January – 4th February
  • 18th April – 12th May
  • 10th July – 13th August
  • 9th October – 12th November

Large Grant: over £20,001

Application cycles:

  • 4th January – 4th March
  • 10th July – 10th September

(added 11.6.24)


Family Action's Grants Programme

Family Action has been distributing grants to help people and families in need since 1869. Making a small financial investment can make a big difference to the lives of families. Family Action’s small grants programmes focuses on the two areas of Welfare and Education.


New The Farthing Trust

The Farthing Trust supports a diverse range of causes, including in our local area, across the UK, and anywhere in the world. Their approach is often guided by a "seed funding" mindset, where they offer start-up funding to passionate individuals and smaller charitable organisations. Some examples of areas the Trust have offered support in the past include:

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Human Rights
  • Equality (including racial, religious, LBTQ+, and disability inclusion)
  • Non-proselytising faith organisations
  • Poverty relief

Whether you are a charity in need of funds to support your operations, fundraising for a specific project, or an individual with an idea to help your community, The Farthing Trust wants to hear from you. No deadline to apply.

You can send your requests to either or PO Box 276. Newmarket CB8 1GW.

(added 16.7.24)


Foux Foundation

The foundation is focused on helping in the areas of: health, education, youth opportunity and poverty. Funding is available for registered charities with an income of less than £3m per annum. There is no deadline to apply.

Areas of focus: 

  • The relief of sickness and promotion of good health 
  • The advancement of education 
  • The advancement of disadvantaged young people 
  • The prevention or relief of poverty

(added 27.3.24)


The Foyle Foundation Grants

The Foundation awards funding in three main areas: 

  • Arts and Learning charities predominantly via the Main Grants Scheme 
  • Small Charities of all descriptions (with a turnover of less than £150K per annum) via the Small Grants Scheme (grants between £2K and £10K)
  • State Funded Schools predominantly via the Foyle School Library Scheme (grants between £2K and £10K)

The Foyle Foundation completes its Grant Giving Programme in 2025.

(updated 23.1.24)


Funding opportunities in Mottingham

Community Chest: up to £5,000 funding for organisations and community groups to run projects, events or services in the MBLR catchment area. Projects must be related to at least one of MBLR’s 7 themes:

  • Children & young people 
  • Older people
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Employability
  • Economic empowerment
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Green space

Youth Fund: this fund is all about young people becoming local changemakers, bringing to life projects that are important to them.  Individuals or groups of young people aged 16-19 (or up to 25 for SEN) can apply for up to £1,000 to run any project that will benefit the people in the MBLR area, and at least one person per group must live in the MBLR area.

Application deadline: applications are accepted on a monthly rolling basis, the deadline to apply is the 1st of each month.


The Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust

The Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust was the largest single shareholder in the Gordon Fraser Gallery and when the company was sold in 1989 the funds that were released enabled a much more significant programme of donations to commence. At present donations totalling some £140,000 are made to about 100 charities each year.

Recipients must be registered charities but the trustees have complete discretion as to the type of charitable work supported. In recent years there has been some concentration on support for charities working with children or young people and those active in the environment and the arts. There has also been a preference for applications from and for Scotland but not to the exclusion of applications from elsewhere.


Growing Great Ideas

Growing Great Ideas programme has a focus on supporting transformational and long-term change. The aim of the funding is to invest in ecologies, platforms, ecosystems, assemblages, networks and constellations that are working towards a common purpose and new philosophy. These could be existing ones that want to extend and/or deepen their work, or new ones that emerge. This work can take place at a local or national level.

Grant size: the minimum grant size is £150,000. The minimum length is two years. Funding can be available for up to ten years in some circumstances.


Henry Smith Charity

Various funding programmes are available. The Charity funds organisations that work with people to reduce social and economic disadvantage. Here are some of the programmes:

  • Improving Lives - grants of £20k-£60k per year for small and medium sized organisations to support projects and the running costs of the organisation.
  • Holiday Grants - one off grants of £500–£2,500 for schools, small charities and not-for-profit organisations towards recreational trips and holidays for groups of children aged 13 and under who are disabled or disadvantaged.
  • Christian Projects - grants of £10k plus per year to support projects that explicitly promote the Christian faith, helping to grow faith communities and churches.
  • Strengthening Communities - this grant programme aims to support small, grass roots organisations who are embedded in the community, working within the most deprived areas of the UK. Grants of £20k – £70k are available.

(accurate as at 22.8.23)


The Hobson Charity

The trustees will consider applications for grants which are in accordance with the stated objectives of the charity and are from a registered charitable organisation based in England and Wales; do not include salary, people or core running costs of any kind; are not repeat or multi-year requests.

Exceptions to these principles are only considered in (very) exceptional circumstances.

Due to the current situation, the trustees are focusing their attention to urgent Cost of living related applications from ‘frontline’ service charitable organisations.

If your request is urgent and funds are needed to purchase a specific item in the very near future but is not related to Cost of living the trustees are currently considering these on a monthly basis.

(added 27.3.24)


Hollyhock Charitable Foundation

The objectives of the foundation are: to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time, in particular by providing grants.​
These grants will in particular, but not exclusively, be used to: 

  • prevent or relieve poverty worldwide for individuals in need; 
  • advance the health and wellbeing of the general public (including preventing or relieving sickness, disease or suffering, as well as the promotion of good health); 
  • support programmes which promote and advance the education of the general public; and 
  • promote and support Christianity for the benefit of the general public. 

(added 13.06.23)


Jephcott Charitable Trust

The Trust likes to make grants which will make a tangible difference and will consider charities or projects which have difficulty getting started or raising funds from other sources.

Priorities: Health, Education, Environment

Grant size: £2,000 to £10,000, and, in exceptional cases only, up to £20,000

(added 8.8.23)


John Ellerman Foundation

The aim of the foundation is to advance the wellbeing of people, society and the natural world by focusing on the arts, environment and social action. They look for applications in the following categories:

  • Arts: Creators and Curators
  • Environment: People and Planet
  • Social Action: Championing Change 

Charity size: with an income between £100,000 and £10m

Grant size: the minimum grant is circa £10,000. There is no maximum

(added 28.6.23)


John Lewis Foundation

The John Lewis Foundation exists to create a happier world where all young people can access meaningful employment. They l do this by investing in vulnerable children and young adults, providing education and skills for meaningful employment by: 

  • Focussing on vulnerable children and young adults living in the most disadvantaged communities.
  • Working with communities in the UK and overseas, where the John Lewis business operates and sources.
  • Maximising impact by investing in partnerships that catalyse innovative youth employment projects and help bring proven concepts to scale. 

If you would like to apply, you must request an application through

(added 22.8.23)


New L&G Health Equity Fund

Health Equity Network is a platform set up to enable people who are doing great work on health equity in regions, towns, cities and organisations across the UK to share what they are doing with others, be inspired by what others are doing and collaborate in joint working.

Since 2021, Legal & General and the Institute of Health Equity have worked together to explore the role of business in reducing health inequalities in the UK. Legal & General are launching a £3 million fund offering grants of up to £75,000 to place-based projects that address the social determinants of health.

Once you have signed up, you will be able to find information about the Fund on the new Legal & General Health Equity Fund page, which you will now be able to see in the menu bar.

(added 28.8.24)


Ladbrokes Coral Trust

The Trust supports a range of causes ‘with the overriding requirement being that the causes supported operate and serve the community in which the shops and businesses of Ladbrokes Betting and Gaming Ltd or Ladbrokes e-Gaming Ltd operate’.

Grants are commonly given in the following categories:  

  • Health: research/treatment, hospice services and disability support
  • Education: supporting people who are disadvantaged or who have disabilities
  • Community: with a focus on projects for people who are older or homeless or social activity projects for people who are at risk

To receive funding, the support of your local Ladbrokes shop should be secured in raising funds on behalf of your cause. The shop will submit your application to the board of trustees for review. Trustees meet every four to six weeks to consider grant requests from shop and head office fundraisers and registered charities across England and Wales. 

For more information please contact your local Ladbrokes shop.


The Laing Family Trusts

The Laing Family Trusts reflects the values espoused by Sir John, seeking to::

  • promote Christian faith and values
  • care for those in need
  • encourage young people to realise their potential (especially, but not exclusively, in the field of science and engineering and through Christian youth activities)

A significant percentage of the grants awarded are made on a one-off basis for capital purposes such as the purchase or construction of new premises, the extension, redevelopment or refurbishment of property, or the purchase of equipment and vehicles. Most other grants are directed towards specific projects which will meet a clearly defined and demonstrable need within the applicant charity’s beneficiary/client group which cannot be met from statutory sources.

(added 28.6.23)


The Laurence Plummer Foundation

Grants are issued four times per year and can be applied for through the apply for a grant page. Small grants available for: 

  • Individuals
  • Sports Clubs
  • Charities
  • Not for profit organisations
  • Schools
  • Youth Groups


Leathersellers’ Company Charitable Fund

There are two grant giving programmes for charities.

  • Main Grants Programme is for single and multiple year grants of £5,000 or more;
  • Small Grant Programme is a fast track grant assessment for one-off grants of up to £3,000.

They prioritise charities working for the benefit of people in Greater London, but do welcome applications from the whole of the UK. They also welcome applications supporting the use of leather within the fashion industry, education in leather technology and the leather trade.

For the Small Grants Programme, there are 10 application windows throughout the year and each window will close when 45 applications have been received.

(accurate as at 23.4.24)


London Catalyst

Project Grants:  Priority is given to new initiatives and service developments targeted at people disadvantaged as a result of long-term ill-health, disability and poverty. Normally to organisations with an income <£500k. Grants range from £1,000 to £5,000.

Samaritan Grants:  a hardship fund which we make available to frontline health, social work and advice agencies to offer immediate assistance to people in an emergency. The partner agency distributes small one-off grants on our behalf.

(added 2.7.24)


The London Freemasons Charity (LFC)

The LFC is particularly interested in supporting children, young & elderly people, opportunities for education and it will also consider supporting a wide range of projects at a local and community level.
Grants are not usually awarded to individuals and the LFC does not award grants for core funding, retrospective activity or projects which have already started.  The charities that the LFC supports must be seen to be inclusive.

Grant size: £3,000 to £10,000


London Resilience Fund: Supporting innovation in resilience

The London Resilience Fund is the Mayor Sadiq Khan’s £1m innovation programme to support London’s businesses and community groups in their recovery from the coronavirus crisis, and to ensure they’re better prepared for future emergencies. The Fund is open to a broad range of public, private and third-sector organisations in London that are looking for solutions to the challenges they are experiencing and who are set to benefit from the innovations.

The fund will support the designing and testing of innovation with grants that enable:

  • the creation of tools to help London’s economy
  • emerge from the current crisis, and fare better during future stresses and shocks
  • London’s community of small businesses and community organisations to adapt, diversify and deliver services in new ways, while boosting their levels of preparedness, awareness, skills and capacity
  • positive social change that addresses London’s major stresses – from inequality and food insecurity to poor health and wellbeing

The first round of applications opened in September 2020. Grants of up to £50,000 will be available to support designing and testing these innovations. 


Lord Barnby Foundation

Lord Barnby’s Foundation offers grants to charitable organisations in England and Wales for general charitable purposes, the advancement of health or saving of lives, disability, the prevention or relief of poverty, environment, conservation and heritage.

Grant size: between £1,000 – £5,000

Application deadline: Continuous rolling programme. The Trustees meet in February, June and November.

For more information and how to apply please contact:

The Lord Barnby Foundation, Po Box 442, Market Drayton, TF9 9EQ


The Mackintosh Foundation

Grants of up to £10,000 are available. The Mackintosh Foundation gives priority to: the theatre and the performing arts; medical aid particularly research into cancer and HIV and AIDS; homelessness; community project; the environment; refugees.

For more information and to apply contact: 

Richard Knibb, General and Company Secretary
The Mackintosh Foundation
1 Bedford Square


Making a Difference Locally

Making a Difference Locally (MADL) is a charity launched to help independently run local stores to add value to their communities #MakingADifferenceLocally.

The charity helps the stores achieve this by allowing them to nominate charities or good causes that are local to them to receive a specific donation from us. Donations may be to local sports teams, hospices or one of the many charities operating in the UK.

Marsh Charitable Trust grants

The Trust focuses on providing funding which could help small organisations pay for various running costs, such as volunteer expenses, training days, equipment maintenance and other core outgoings. Grants are unrestricted and range from £300-£2,000. Funded areas are:

  • Arts and heritage
  • Education and training
  • Environmental causes and animal welfare
  • Healthcare
  • Social welfare

There is no deadline for applications. Applications are processed on an on-going basis. 

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


The MB Reckitt Trust

The aim of the Trust is to promote researches and activities that evaluate and develop social structures, processes and attitudes in order to release energies for change, from the perspective of Christianity.

Trustees are currently wanting to encourage work that supports the following outcome:

  • Being and building communities that are diverse and cohesive, in order to bring about a stronger society.

Grants rarely fall outside the £500-£10,000 range.

(added 27.3.24)


Mercer Charitable Foundation

The Foundation supports activities and initiatives run by organisations that deliver benefit in one or more of the qualifying categories: education, healthcare and community.

(added 22.8.23)


Morrisons Foundation – Charities funding boost

The Morrisons Foundation awards grant funding for charity projects which make a positive difference in local communities. In the main grants are available to fully fund projects up to £25,000.

Application at any time.


National Lottery Community Fund has the following 3 funds:

1. Awards for All - Voluntary and community organisations, charities, schools, social enterprises and others, can apply for funding from £300 to £10,000 to support what matters to people and communities.

2. Reaching Communities - grants of over £10,000 for organisations with projects focused on enabling communities to thrive. The grants are awarded to voluntary and community organisations or social enterprises for up to five years.

We hosted an online information event for the Reaching Communites funding programmme on 12th October 2022. View resources from the event below:

We hosted an online information session on 19th July 2023, providing an update on the National Lottery Community Fund 2023-30 strategy. View a recording of the session here


3. Partnerships funding -  grants for community and voluntary groups of over £10,000 for partnership work on a shared set of goals and values. They'll support different types of partnership, including:

  • cross-sector partnerships
  • local place-based collaboration
  • local and national organisations working together around a particular theme.


Natwest Bank: Funding for your charity or social enterprise

Natwest has four different loans. Take a look and see which might be the best fit for you:

  • Property Purchase Loan: Funding to renovate or purchase a property.
  • Flexible Growth Funding: For when you want to grow and increase your impact.
  • Working Capital Loan: Flexible finance to cover overheads and smooth out cashflow.
  • Bridging Loan: Pay VAT or cover overheads before grant funding arrive

(added 18.6.24)


Paul Hamlyn Foundation

Various funding streams available for work which aligns with the Foundation's 6 strategic priorities. Their focus is to enable people to achieve their potential, free from prejudice and disadvantage; enable people to access, enjoy and benefit from the arts, and, to improve opportunities and life chances for young people.


People's Postcode Lottery

The higher level of grant available (£25,000) is now open to Community Interest Companies and community benefit societies for the first time. The amount available to other types of non profit organisations has also grown to £2,500.

Organisations now have a longer period in which to deliver activities – 18 months from payment of the grant. In order to better serve good causes we are also challenging ourselves to deliver funding within two months of an application


Peter Harrison Foundation

The Peter Harrison Foundation is an independent grant-making trust which supports voluntary and community organisations working in any part of the UK. Grant programmes open for applications:

Opportunities through Sport

The Trustees wish to support sporting activity or projects which provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and to develop other personal and life skills. They will consider applications for capital, revenue or project funding.

Special Needs and Care for Children and Young People (applications are only accepted from charities meeting the needs of children and young people in specific counties including Kent). The Trustees welcome applications for the following types of project:  

  • Projects that work with or benefit disabled, chronically or terminally ill children and provide support for their parents and carers
  • Projects that help to engage children or young people at risk of crime, truancy or addiction
  • Projects organised for young people at risk of homelessness or that provide new opportunities for homeless young people


The Percy Bilton Charity – UK

The Percy Bilton Charity is a grant-making trust and company limited by guarantee founded in 1962. Grants are made to organisations and individuals in need throughout the U.K.

Organisations assisting disadvantaged youth, people with disabilities and older people may apply for grants towards capital expenditure.

Social workers may apply on the behalf of individuals who have a disability or mental health problem, or who are over 65, for grants to purchase basic furniture, equipment and clothing.

Organisation that may apply should be a registered charity in the U.K. whose primary objectives are to assist one or more of the following groups:

  • Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (persons under 25)
  • People with disabilities (physical or learning disabilities or mental health problems)
  • Older people (aged over 60) 

Deadline: Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered at the next appropriate Board meeting. Applications for Small Grants are considered monthly.


Persimmon Community Champions

Persimmon Community Champions fund local good causes across the UK.

Each of their 31 businesses and their PLC head office are giving away up to £2,000 every month – £64,000 a month available to fund local community initiatives.

(accurate as at 23.4.24)


Peter Stormonth Darling Charitable Trust Grant

The grant is provided and administered by the Peter Stormonth Darling Charitable Trust and is available for TSOs in the UK. The scheme is intended to support organisations undertaking charitable projects. In particular, the scheme wishes to support projects with the following themes: 

  • Heritage
  • Education
  • Health care
  • Sports facilities 

Grant size: range from £1,000 to £10,000
Application deadline: ongoing - interested applicants may apply at any time

Contact: The Peter Stormonth Darling Charitable Trust, Soditic Ltd, 12 Charles II Street, London, SW1Y 4QU


Positive Transitions

City Bridge Foundation's (formerly City Bridge Trust) aim is to help Londoners experiencing inequality and disadvantage to make important transitions in their lives. Applications for up to five years of funding are welcomed, and core funding will be considered and must be for one of the Trust’s Connecting the Capital priority areas, listed below. These priorities will be subject to review throughout the lifetime of Bridging Divides to make sure they best achieve their outcomes.

  • Support for children and young people
  • Support for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants
  • Support and services for Deaf and Disabled People
  • Support and services for older people
  • Tackling abuse, exploitation and hatred
  • Criminal justice: building settled lives for those leaving custody or serving community sentences
  • Mental health services

Grant size and application deadlines vary depending on the priority area.

Funding Workshop

Thanks to Julia Mirkin, Funding Manager at City Bridge Foundation (formerly City Bridge Trust), who on 8 December, gave an excellent overview to Bromley groups the extensive grants programme that they have available to the voluntary sector in London that meet with their priorities. You can see more at City Bridge Foundation's website


PRS Foundation

Through their schemes for organisations, PRS Foundation supports:

  • Promoters
  • Talent Development organisations
  • Festivals
  • Venues
  • Curators
  • Large performance groups (would include orchestras, choirs, jazz bands or folk groups with 12 or more performers)

(added 27.3.24)


The Prince of Wales Charitable Trust

PWCF considers small grant applications from UK registered non-profit organisations supporting grassroots projects in diverse and deprived communities in the United Kingdom, Commonwealth and Internationally.

The small grants programme awards single or multi-year grants to a maximum value of £5,000 and £15,000 respectively. The average single award is £2,000.


Qlick IT Networking events sponsorship

With the cost-of-living crisis among us, networking is more important than ever before. Regularly communicating with other charities and peers in-person is a great way to help your charity through this isolating time. That's why Qlick want to help make charity meetings possible, through their  sponsorship, which includes:

  • Free Lunches
  • Venue Costs Contribution
  • Free Branded Merchandise
  • Digital Lunch Vouchers


The R G Hills Charitable Trust (miscellaneous)

The R G Hills Charitable Trust supports local and national registered charities mainly, but not exclusively, in the fields of health, poverty and education. Overseas charitable work is also available. There is no specified maximum amount you can apply for however grants tend to average around £2,000. For more information please contact:

Harvey Barrett (Trustee), Furley Page, 39-40 St Margaret’s Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2TX


Rayne Foundation

This foundation supports work which aims to tackle social issues through the arts, health, wellbeing, and education. They fund projects that can be replicated and are particularly interested in projects which focus on:

  • young people's mental health
  • arts as a tool to achieve social change
  • improved quality of life for carers and for older people.

Grants typically fall in the range of £10,000 - £20,000 per annum for up to three years. There is a 2 stage application process and you can apply any time.


Rescue Centre Grants

Funding available to organisations whose main activity is the rescue and rehoming of UK pets.

Grant size: grants from £250 upwards

Pet at Home Foundation funds the following: vet bills; boarding fees; trap and neuter schemes; food; equipment; vehicles and building work.


Rhododendron Trust

This small family Charitable Trust makes grants of between £500 and £1500 to charities registered in the UK which support social welfare and humanitarian aid projects both in the developing world and the UK. It also supports some cultural and wildlife projects. It generally prioritises smaller charities over larger ones. Applications are made in writing. The trust meet annually, usually in January to consider applications. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed by email within about a month.


The Robert Gavin Charitable Trust

The Robert Gavin Charitable Trust gives financial support, for the public benefit, to a range of charitable causes. Principal fields of interest include the arts, education, social policy and research and charities for the disabled.

There are no guidelines as to the amount you can apply for. For more information and how to apply please contact: 

Anthony Dance
c/o The Folio Society Ltd
44 Eagle Street


The Robert McAlpine Foundation

The Foundation was established by the family of Sir Robert McAlpine and gives grants to support small charities situated throughout the UK that fall within specific categories - namely children, youth, the elderly, social and medical research.

Charity size: total income should be less than £1m per annum.


The S M B Trust

The S M B Trust award grants of up to £2,000 to UK registered charities with activities that:

  • support the Christian Faith;
  • provide social care in the UK and abroad;
  • provide famine/emergency aid;
  • protect the environment and wildlife; or
  • support education or medical research.

Any expenditure will be considered.

Application deadline: Continuous rolling programme. Applications are reviewed quarterly.

For more information and how to apply please contact:

Mrs Barbara O’Driscoll (Chair), The S M B Trust, 15 Wilman Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9AJ

The Sackler Trust

The Sackler Trust has been supporting research and education charities across the UK since 2010. Over that period, the Trust has committed more than £60 million in support of charitable activities in the fields of medical science, healthcare, and access to education and the arts, as well as supporting community organisations, heritage sites and projects which promote social good.

These are some of the types of works the trust support: Science; Education; Arts; Heritage; Environment, and  Social Good.

(accurate as at 2.8.23)


The Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts

The Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts is the operating office of 17 different independent grant-making trusts established by members of three generations of the Sainsbury family. The trusts only fund registered charities or activities with a clearly defined charitable purpose. None of the trusts directly supports individuals, education fees or expeditions. Collectively, the areas of interest, in the UK, are:

  • Arts and education projects in Southwark
  • Civil liberties and human rights
  • Practical autism projects
  • Support for older people and their carers
  • Family welfare
  • Youth work
  • Christian mission, education, evangelism, media and art
  • Literacy
  • Dyslexia
  • School inclusion
  • Sustainable environments, food or finance
  • Archaeology
  • Conservation of industrial, maritime and built heritage
  • Display, study or purchase of British ceramics
  • Regional museums and galleries, especially curatorial support and purchase of objects with local significance
  • Restoration and repair of cathedrals and major churches


The Schroder Charity Trust

The Schroder Charity Trust makes grants of up to £5,000 towards core and project costs to charities registered in the UK for work under the following categories: 

  • Arts, Culture and Heritage
  • Education, Training and Employment
  • Environment and Conservation
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Strengthening Communities

Grant size: up to £5,000

Charity size: it is unlikely that charities with an annual income over £2,500,000 will receive a grant

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


Screwfix Foundation

Grants of up to £5,000 for registered charities and not for profit organisations, for work to fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities for those in need, due to financial hardship, sickness, disability or other disadvantage or distress. Applications are reviewed on quarterly basis, in February, May, August and November. 


Secure Communities Scheme

Burg-Wächter Secure Communities Scheme offers a cash award and security products to community projects to help secure their success. During the current COVID-19 crisis, the Burg-Wächter Secure Communities Scheme changed its terms to focus purely on providing free security kits. It remains committed to supporting communities who require extra security and have limited funds to meet these needs.

To achieve this and optimise the number of communities supported, the scheme now provides successful applicants with the option of choosing one of five standard security kits worth an average of £150 each.


Shanly Foundation

The main philosophy of Shanly Foundation is to help local good causes. In particular, applicants that are helping to improve the welfare and quality of life of those that are disadvantaged within the community.

The Foundation also support many local community events and festivals, scouts and girl guides, local schools and sports and social clubs.

(accurate as at 7.6.23)


The Skinners Charities

The Skinners Charities continue the Company’s core philanthropic purpose of bringing help and opportunity to those in need. They do so by tackling poverty and the restrictions it places on people; providing homes for older people in financial or social need; and creating opportunity through education, training or sponsorship. They have four main grant making charities:

  • Lawrence Atwell’s Charity
  • Skinners’ Benevolent Trust
  • Lady Neville Charity
  • Sir Thomas Smythe Charity.

Each charity has different areas of giving but are working towards the aims of tackling poverty and the restrictions it places on people; creating opportunity through education, training or sponsorship; and enriching local communities.


Social Investment Business

Social Investment Business provide loans, grants and strategic support to charities and social enterprises. Here's a summary of their funding programmes some of which you can apply to at any time. Some of the areas supported include youth and homelessness, addiction and criminal recovery, community regeneration.


The SpeedoMick Foundation

The SpeedoMick Foundation’s objective is to work with groups supporting the vulnerable to:

  • advance education;
  • prevent or relieve poverty;
  • mental health; and
  • physical health

The Foundation will focus particularly on helping disadvantaged young people and the homeless. Smaller local charities will be favoured over large national charities.


Steel Charitable Trust grants

The Trustees make discretionary grants where they believe that their contribution will make a real difference. The five current funding priority categories are: Arts & Heritage, Education, Environment, Health, and Social or Economic Disadvantage - applications for purposes outside these categories are only permitted at the direct invitation of a Trustee. Grants are generally made as single payments between £2,500 and £25,000.

Applicants may apply for support towards:

  • capital projects
  • specific projects
  • research programmes
  • core costs

The Trust does not fund expeditions or projects that promote religion.


Stepping Stones Fund

The Stepping Stones Fund is a social investment readiness facility for charitable organisations in Greater London. It is delivered in partnership with UBS.

Grant size: there is no minimum, but the maximum grant amount is £50,000


Strengthening Communities

The Henry Smith Charity’s Strengthening Communities grant programme aims to support small, grass roots organisations who are embedded in the community, working within the most deprived areas of the UK, delivering services directly to beneficiaries do work that enables:

  • People from across the community to participate in activities which improve connectedness, opportunities and wellbeing
  • People who are excluded, vulnerable or facing other forms of hardship to have access to community-based services that support positive lasting change
  • A stronger, active, more engaged community

Grant size: £20k – £60k per year.

Charity size: £20k – £500k


The Stuart Halbert Foundation

The Trustees of the Stuart Halbert Foundation meet regularly to assess all requests for support. Funding is available for these broad categories:

  • People
  • Animal welfare
  • Armed forces
  • Local community defined as Tynedale Valley and beyond).

(added 25.7.23)


Sunrise Foundation

Sunrise was established to raise funds, evaluate and consider applications from organisations working with disadvantaged individuals and grant financial assistance to selected charities and individuals to help deliver vital services in the community.

(added 23.1.24)


The Swan Mountain Trust

The Swan Mountain Trust is a small grant making trust. For the next three years, the Trust will focus on organisations concerned with refugees and asylum seekers, with particular emphasis on the mental health of young people in these categories.

The Trustees meet three times a year in February, June and October. Applications can be submitted at any time, and an email enquiry in the first instance is appropriate.

Charity size: under £500k income

Grant size: between £2,000 - £4,000

(added 27.3.24)


Tesco Community Grants

Tesco Community Grants help to fund thousands of local projects across the country. Since 2016 the scheme has supported over 36,000 community groups with more than £85million in grants. The scheme aims to make a positive difference – because where our communities thrive, our business and our colleagues thrive too.

Tesco Community Grants is always open for applications from charities and community organisations to bid for up to £1,500. Three projects in 575 local communities are voted on by customers in Tesco stores throughout the UK, with projects changing every three months. 


The Thrive Together Fund

The Thrive Together Fund provides unrestricted funding to unlock the growth of eligible charities and social enterprises in England. Each funding package consists of a 75% loan and 25% grant, with a loan term of between one and six years.

Charity size: with a turnover of more than £100,000. Organisations must work in the environmental or poverty sector and have been operating for 2 years or more.

Grant size: between £25,000 and £150,000.

(added 19.7.23)


Trust for London Connected Communities Programme

Provides funding for initiatives which help disadvantaged and underrepresented people to access their rights and entitlements and to speak out about issues which directly affect them. Priority will be given to charities led by and for Black and minoritised groups and Deaf and Disabled people.


Tudor Trust

Awards grants to support voluntary and community groups working in any part of the UK, with a focus on smaller, community-led organisations (in 2018/19 77% of their grants went to groups with an annual income of less than £500,000) that work directly with people who are at the margins of society.  There is no maximum or minimum grant, though in practice it is unusual for them to make a grant of less than £10,000. Thre is a two stage applicaiton process and on average it takes around four months for a grant to be approved.


The UK Fund

The UK Fund is available for organisations that want to do more to help communities come together and help make us a better-connected society.  Your project must either work across the UK, or be able to inform, influence or scale across the UK.

The UK Fund aims to fund project that:

  • strengthen relationships between people whose experiences of life have not been the same. For example, relationships between people of different ethnic backgrounds, generations, occupations or geographies
  • create connections between online and offline worlds
  • help make sure people from all backgrounds can shape the future of their communities.

Grant size: £500,000 to £5 million

(added 8.8.23)


The VINCI UK Foundation

The VINCI UK Foundation funds projects which aim to tackle the issues in the following four areas of action through an innovative approach and which will make a positive, measurable impact on the local areas:

  • Access to employment
  • Insertion through housing
  • Inclusive mobility
  • Building better communities

Only tangible goods (e.g. tools and equipment, vehicles, IT, furniture, building works) can be funded by the VINCI UK Foundation. Applications requesting money for wages or running costs have no chance of being successful.

The purchasing of tangible goods should be part of a project (development of new/current activities, refurbishment of premises, improvement of marketing tools…) whose total cost does not exceed £100,000.


Volunteering Futures Fund

The Government is launching a new Volunteering Futures Fund. The fund aims to support high quality volunteering opportunities for young people and those who experience barriers to volunteering in DCMS sectors and across the Voluntary and Community sector. It aims to test and trial solutions to known barriers through the use of informal, micro, flexible and digital approaches.

There are two delivery strands for this fund as follows: 

  1. For arts, culture heritage and sport initiatives involving volunteers.
  2. For community and youth initiatives involving volunteers.

For more information on this funding opportunity please contact

The Wakeham Trust

This Trust helps projects that are small scale and would find it hard to get funding from big trusts. Their grants usually range between £125 and £2,500 and are only awarded to registered charities.  In recent years they have become increasingly focused on education, in the broadest sense of the term. N.B They do not help arts/performance and hard-science medical projects. Read more about who they will fund and how to apply at their website.


Waitrose Community Matters

If your organisation is looking to be supported financially, you can apply for the Waitrose Community Matters scheme. Speak to a Partner in store to apply or head to the Waitrose website to find out more.


Waitrose Community Support Fund

Last week, Waitrose & Partners announced a £1 million Community Support Fund to enable Waitrose shop managers across the UK to help those in need in their local communities throughout the coronavirus outbreak. Shops are using this fund to provide care packages to help local charities as well as elderly and vulnerable customers. To find out more and to see if your organisation could be supported, please head to your local Waitrose shop and speak to a Partner.



Westhill consider support for a wide range of projects and have particular interests in activities involving formal and informal religious education, projects utilising the creative and performing arts, and projects facilitating interfaith activity.

Westhill also consider grants that develop the capacity of organisations to better serve the needs of their beneficiaries, or service users, in the fields of religious education and faith-motivated community transformation.

Westhill value projects built on solid foundations, knowledge of your community or audience, clear objectives, and a viable and carefully budgeted action plan.

Westhill generally consider applications for grants requiring investment of between £500 and £20,000. The larger sums are usually for projects running over two years.


People at a disadvantage/isolated/low income/homeless

The 7 Stars Foundation

Project funding for those challenged by abuse; addiction; those who are young carers; those who are homeless/without a safe space to call home. Project grants awarded of up to £2,500. Available to organisations with a turnover of under £1.5M.


Allchurches Trust

Grants for registered charities and churches to tackle issues such as: homelessness and poverty; mental health and counselling; social exclusion and loneliness; ex-offender support; community health and wellbeing; substance misuse.


Bromley Relief in Need

This charity, Bromley Relief in Need, often known as BRIN, offers small grants or purchased items (usually up to £300) to a person in need living in Bromley.  All requests should be sent from professional third parties such as health or social care professionals, charities etc.


Cosaraf Charitable Foundation - Hardship Grants

The Foundation administers a small grants and donations programme to individuals and families in financial need.  They provide grants up to £500, although larger grants can be made exceptionally. Applications can only be made by recognised social organisations such as charities, housing associations, schools and social services acting on behalf of a family or individual in need.

Grants of up to £2,000 are available for eligible individuals and families, but only in exceptional circumstances will individual grants exceed £500.

(added 19.7.23)


Coutts Foundation

The mission of the Coutts Foundation is to support sustainable approaches to tackle the causes and consequences of poverty, focusing on the communities where Coutts has a presence.

The Coutts Foundation adopts a proactive approach to its philanthropy and in its identification of organisations to support. The Foundation's focus is supporting UK organisations or programmes that support women and girls, with a particular focus on addressing the causes and consequences of poverty. It is especially interested in organisations that are developing innovative solutions and/or those whose successful work has the potential to be scaled up. The Foundation applies clear criteria in its selection of funding recipients.

The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals for funding. However, if you wish to bring information about your organisation or programmes that fit with the Foundation’s funding priorities to their attention complete the information submission form and either email it to us or post it.

Coutts Foundation,
440 Strand,
London WC2R 0QS


Crisis – In This Together grants

The effect of the COVID19 virus has been significant on those supporting people who are experiencing rough sleeping and homelessness. Crisis is calling on national governments and local councils to take emergency measures to ensure people experiencing homelessness can receive the same care as other vulnerable population groups. Crisis also want to support groups who are financially affected by additional demands on their resources and have established an emergency grant fund for this purpose.

Written application form consideration and decision within 24 hours of receipt of form.


Friends of the Elderly

Grants to older people living on low incomes. Applications can be for financial support towards the person’s home essentials, bills and household repairs. Training or equipment to enable them to get online is also provided, helping them to stay connected. Applications have to be made by a referring agent such as someone working in local health or social care teams, Citizens Advice, or other charities and community groups. Grants are on average around £300 and rarely above £500.


Frontline Network Training Fund

The Frontline Network Training Fund is now open for applications. Individual Frontline Workers can apply for up to £500 towards the cost of training, and groups can apply for up to £1000.

The training fund was created to help frontline staff access training; to support them in their work with people experiencing homelessness.

If you have any questions about the training fund, contact


The Hodge Foundation

The Hodge Foundation awards grants to charitable organisations based in the UK. The Foundation’s aim is to support projects that have effective solutions to helping those most in need.

The Foundation supports charities working with people who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged and who need assistance to improve their lives. This includes a variety of causes and groups including the elderly, homeless, disabled, special needs and those with mental health issues.


Housing Innovation Fund

The Mayor's Innovation Fund is available for those using innovative ways to deliver more affordable homes in London. This is part of Homes for Londoners, which brings together the Mayor's work to tackle the housing crisis.

Innovation can take many forms, but the Mayor is keen to understand how funding can support:

  • community-led housing
  • offsite and precision manufacturing of homes
  • new accommodation for homeless households

We are encouraging proposals from those that provide genuinely affordable homes to Londoners.


Local Action Poverty Fund

Trust for London has once again teamed up with Crowdfunder to launch the Local Action Poverty Fund.  Match funding available for communities tackling poverty and inequality in outer London. Eligible projects must be raising funds to undertake charitable work that:

  • Provides practical solutions to support people on low incomes
  • Addresses local problems in creative ways
  • Are led by the communities that will benefit from the work

Grant size: £10,000

Charity size: annual income of under £100,000.


London Housing Foundation

Grants of up to £30,000 are available for organisations working to tackle the problems of homeless people. The Foundation has 2 key priorities:  developing partnerships amongst organisations working with homeless people in London and the second priority is to support organisations developing 'proof of concept' for innovative services or products.


The Mercer's Company - Older People & Housing

The funder’s aim is to enable older people to adjust to the challenges of ageing. Funding priorities:

Combat Loneliness in Older People

  • Working in areas with a high risk of chronic loneliness*
  • Providing opportunities for older adults to foster new connections
  • Providing opportunities to support and maintain existing relationships

Provide Housing Solutions

  • Providing innovative ideas for older people's future housing; or
  • Tackling the issues faced by older private renters; or
  • Enabling older people to live well in their own home

Grant size: £50,000 to £100,000 for up to three years.


The Morrisons Foundation COVID-19 Homeless Support Fund

The Morrisons Foundation awards grant funding for charity projects which make a positive difference in local communities. In the main grants are available to fully fund projects up to £25,000. Charities applying for a grant from the Covid-19 Homeless Support Fund can apply for a maximum of up to £10,000.


People with learning/physical disabilities or mental health difficulties

£1 Defibrillator Fund

The government is inviting community organisations to bid for funding for an automated external defibrillator (AED) for their area. £1 million fund to increase the number of AEDs in public places where they are most needed. Funding will provide an estimated 1000 new defibrillators in community spaces across England


The Archer Trust

The Archer Trust is a UK Christian charitable grant-making trust, set up in 1994 in memory of Ronnie Archer, who rose through the ranks of Unilever to become Vice-Chairman. Grants available of between £250 and £3,000 to small charities.

Grants available to charities who provide aid or support to a defined group of needy or deserving people, for instance those with physical or mental disabilities or the disadvantaged.

You are competently run and can support your application with up-to-date accounts.

The Trust prefer to support organisations working in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. They favour charities which make good use of volunteers.


Barchester Health Care Foundation

Funding available to small community groups and small local charities that help older people (aged 65+) or adults (aged 18+) with a disability or with a mental health problem.  Applications that help improve people’s mobility, independence and quality of life are welcome and in 2019, they have a particular focus on combatting loneliness and enabling people to be active and engaged. Grants range from £100 up to £5,000.


Baily Thomas Charitable Fund

Grants available for a range of organisations including voluntary organisations which are registered charities or are associated with a registered charity, schools and PTAs, for work to aid the care and relief of those affected by learning disability.  Grants available include: general grants - 2 rounds of funding each year, research grants - 2 rounds of funding each year and small grants - apply any time for grants under £10,000.


Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired Ltd

The Charity makes grants to young people up to an age in their mid-twenties resident in the UK. This funding provides support in a variety of ways and to organisations linked to deaf young people.

The completed form should be sent by post to:

The Administrator, BTHI Ltd, 21 Gleneagles Drive, Southport, PR8 3PP


Boost Charitable Trust

The Boost Charitable Trust was created in 2005 and its mission is to champion the disabled and disadvantaged and to inspire them to overcome their challenges through the power of sport.


Boshier-Hinton Foundation

Awards grants to charities and other organisations of up to £2000 to improve quality of life for people with disabilities, learning difficulties or sensory impairment, and their families. Apply at their website any time.


The Childwick Trust

The Trust has a strong emphasis on helping charities which offer care and support for people who are terminally ill, or have a serious illness, the elderly, adults and children who have mental health issues, learning or physical disabilities. We offer funding towards specialist equipment, respite care, holidays, education and core costs.

Typically grants range from £5,000 – £20,000.

(added 9.7.24)


Edward Gosling Foundation small and large Grants

Grants available for charities that support people of all ages living on low incomes who have a physical and/or mental disability or long-term illness. Projects must support one of their 4 life "themes". Small grants of up to £5000 and large grants of over £5000 are available.


Gamesys Foundation

Grants are available for organisations with a minimum annual income of £50,000 who support individuals suffering from mental health issues and who focus on research in the mental health field. 

The Foundation predominantly fund registered charities and NGOs, however they will consider funding other types of organisation so long as they can be proven to have an impact with regard to mental health issues, support, and treatment. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount mentioned. 


Greater London Fund for the Blind

One-off grants of up to £20,000 are available for registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs), educational establishments and social enterprises who are working with blind and partially sighted people in London. Grants are for work which focuses on their priority areas of:

improving access to education or employment; supporting wellbeing and mental health; supporting independence; work with minority groups; eye care and prevention of sight loss; supporting blind and partially sighted people facing additional challenges (including, but not limited to: those facing domestic violence, homeless people, refugees, care leavers, parents and carers). 

They particularly welcome applications for activities which take place in a small number of London boroughs, one of which is Bromley.  (In May 2019 they will be launching a new funding strategy)


Helplines Fund with Bupa Foundation

The Association of Mental Health Providers is pleased to announce the launch of the third round of grants: a Helplines Fund with Bupa Foundation. 

This fund will be used to provide grants of up to £5,000 to support the sustainability of mental health voluntary, community, and social enterprise helpline provider organisations, who have been operational/registered for 2 years+ with turnover of less than £250,000.

Grant size: up to £5,000

Charity size: with turnover of less than £250,000


Motability Grants to Charities and Organisations

Charities and organisations can apply for grants from £100,000 up to £4 million. Each application will be assessed consistently against the funder criteria to ensure fair and transparent awarding of funding and to deliver the greatest impact to as many disabled people as possible.

These grant programmes will help to address the challenges that disabled people face accessing transport right now, while Motability continues its research and innovation work into longer-term solutions to make all transport accessible.


Percy Bilton Charity

Grants available to organisations and individuals in need. Charities working with disadvantaged youth, people with disabilities, people with mental health problems and older people can apply for grants towards furnishings and equipment (excluding office items), building or refurbishment projects.

Professionals, e.g social workers can apply on behalf of individuals in financial need who have a disability or severe mental health problem, or who are over 65 on low income, for basic household items including white goods, single beds, flooring and clothing vouchers.

There are 2 types of grants: large grants of between £2000-£5000 and small grants of up to £500.


Positive Bones

Positive Bones believes in empowering those with limb difference by providing grants for specialist equipment, services or prosthetics.

Grant size: £3,000


St James Place Charitable Foundation Small Grants Programme

Funding of up to £10,000 for registered charities and for Special Needs Schools. The main focus of their funding is: young people with special needs; disadvantaged young people; people with cancer.


The Will Charitable Trust

The Will Charitable Trust was established in 1990 by private philanthropy as a charity making grants to other charities.

The Trust provides financial assistance to UK registered or exempt charities whose activities fall within the following three categories:

  • care of and services for blind people, and the prevention and/or cure of blindness;
  • long-term care of people with learning disabilities either: in a residential care or supported living environment in a way that provides a family environment and wide choice of activities and lifestyle; or: by providing long-term day/employment activities;
  • care of and services for people suffering from cancer and their families.

The Trust gives both project and, in some circumstances, unrestricted grants.

Grants vary in amount, but generally fall within the range of £3,000 to £30,000. The total amount awarded varies from year to year according to available funds. 

(added 15.8.23)


Physical/mental wellbeing

Albert Hunt Trust

Funding for charities working to promote and enhance the physical and mental welfare of individuals, or groups of individuals. This excludes research or the diagnosis of specific medical conditions. Most grants are for £1,000-£2,000. Apply in writing. For more information and to apply contact:

The Albert Hunt Trust
Wealth Advisory Services
Coutts & Co.
440 Strand


The Happiness Fund

Funding grassroots, neighbourhood-based community projects throughout the UK.

The Happiness Fund is available to enable and support projects which improve mental health and wellbeing, inclusion, learning and skills development in local communities. Ultimately it creates happier people and neighbourhoods.

The fund will award £2,500 per quarter - allowing up to four different projects per year to apply. Each project and associated people can only apply once in a funding year. The next application timetable is as follows:

Applications open: 2nd September 2024

Applications close: 4th October 2024

Notification of a successful initial application: 4th - 8th November 2024

Interviews for successful applicants: 14th November 2024

Winner announced: 20th December 2024

(accurate as at 28.8.24)


Home Instead Charities

Home Instead will specifically fund activities and projects that further the needs of our ageing adult population through well-being activities and programmes to prevent social isolation and loneliness such us:

  • Regular weekly or monthly events and activities such as weekly cinema club, weekly knit and natter or Thursday lunch club
  • One-off activities such as a day trip or a Christmas lunch
  • Activities such as yoga or a guest speaker for your group such as a local historian



Access Sport's Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund (AIPFF)

AIPFF exists to increase opportunities for young people in disadvantaged areas to play sport and enjoy its many benefits.

Grants will typically be in the range from £2.5k - £5k although a larger grant may be possible in some circumstances.

To find out more about applying to the AIPFF, please email

(added 10.1.24)


Active Spaces Fund

The Active Spaces Fund is for projects that will improve and activate spaces, places and facilities in London that will help the least active children, young people and underserved groups and communities to lead active and healthy lives. London Marathon Foundation can fund capital projects, revenue projects, and projects with both capital and revenue costs.

The fund is only available for projects that take place in London (within the 32 borough boundaries and the City of London) and that support the foundation’s priority audiences to be active (children, young people and underserved groups and communities).

Grant size: between £10,000 and £80,000 

(added 27.3.24)


Barclays Community Football Fund

The Barclays Community Football Fund has been set up in partnership with UK-wide charity Sported. To find out if you are eligible, and to apply for a £500 grant for a community sports group you work with.

(added 23.1.24)


British Cycling - Improving your Places to Ride

There’s up to £15,000 for your community cycling project!

British Cycling’s Places to Ride programme is funding the development of new or the improvement of existing cycling facilities and activities in communities across England.


Emergency funding available for storm-damaged facilities

Organisations with facilities – such as clubhouses, courts and pitches – affected by the recent storms can now apply for grants of up to £15,000 after an emergency storm damage option was added to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund.


New Grass Pitch Improvement Fund (cricket)

The Grass Pitch Improvement Fund (GPIF) aims to tackle inequalities by providing improved access to good quality, safe playing facilities for targeted groups. The Sport England Lottery Fund will provide funding for projects in England with projects in Wales supported by the England and Wales Cricket Trust.

Priority will be given to applications which support cricket for the following groups:

  • Women’s and girls’ cricket
  • Cricket in diverse communities
  • Disability cricket
  • Low socio-economic groups (LSEG)

(added 20.8.24)


The Hargreaves Foundation

Applications are open for UK charities, educational institutions and NHS Trusts seeking funding to support those under the age of 18 who are living with a mental health condition, disability or growing up in poverty.

The Hargreaves Foundation aims to help children and young people to fulfil their potential and improve their wellbeing, self-esteem and independence through educational and sporting activities provided.

This could include initiatives that improve academic engagement and attainment, develop skills to aid future employment, improve life skills, and ensure sport is accessible. There is no minimum or maximum grant amount. 

(accurate as at 22.11.23)


Movement Fund

Launched in April 2024, the Movement Fund offers crowdfunding pledges, grants and resources to improve physical activity opportunities for the people and communities who need it the most.  If your project aligns with Sport England priorities, they can fund a wide range of costs and items up to £15,000.

Sport England focus is to support projects that match their goal of getting more people active, reducing the number of inactive

(added 11.6.24)


National Hockey Foundation

The Foundation primarily makes grants to a wide range of organisations that meet one of our chosen areas of focus:

  • Young people and hockey
  • Young people and sport in Milton Keynes
  • Enabling the development of hockey at youth or community level
  • Smaller Charities

Although they are not inviting applications, you can still apply.

(added 28.6.23)


Places and Spaces

Crowdfunder and Sport England have teamed up to make an initial £7 million of match funding available to help community sport and physical activity groups improve their facilities and unite communities as part of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

If you are a community sport and physical activity group and are looking to create, enhance or redevelop your sports facility for the benefit of the community as part of the Birmingham 2022 legacy, then you could be eligible to receive up to £10,000 in match funding!


Premier League Defibrillator Fund

An investment from the premier league to install automated external defibrillators (AED) and external storage cabinets at thousands of grassroots football facilities, aimed at helping save the life of someone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest.


Proud To Pitch In

Proud To Pitch In is an initiative from Greene King IPA, paying cash grants to grassroots and community sports clubs across the United Kingdom.

£100,000 worth of grants available from October 2021 to February 2022. Projects can apply for funding of up to £3,000 each.


Queen's Platinum Jubilee Activity Fun

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund aims to use sport and physical activity as a means of bringing a community together and tackling inequalities via awards of between £300 and £10,000 from a pot of £5 million of National Lottery funding.


Rugby League World Cup 2021 ‘CreatedBy’ small grants programme

The CreatedBy small grants programme has reopened. Over £1.6million has been invested to date benefitting 18,787 participants with kit, equipment, and facility improvements, thanks to The National Lottery and Sport England. Clubs and community organisations are being encouraged to make the most of a final opportunity to apply.


Sport England funding to help sport and physical activity through Coronavirus

Coronavirus hit the sport and physical activity sector hard and Sport England know things have been tough, so they modified their funding streams to align with the goals of our Uniting the Movement strategy and to help people safely return to play in the places impacted the most.

(update 10.1.24)


Sports England - National Lottery Small Grants Programme

The Small Grants Programme seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active. Awards are to help inactive and less active people become more active. The priority is to support projects working with people living in areas of disadvantage as defined by the Indices of Multiple Deprivation areas 1 to 3.Grant size: £300-£15,000. Multiple applications can be submitted, but organisations can only have awards of up to £15,000 in any 12-month period.

(added 11.4.24)


Sporting Capital

Grants and loans to organisations that make a difference to individuals and communities through sports and physical activity. They're interested in supporting organisations that are, or aspire to become, local community businesses. There are a range of opportunities on offer, including

  • a £3m Sporting Capital Fund that provides un-secured loan funding of between £50,000 and £150,000 to eligible organisations
  • feasibility grants of between £5,000 - £10,000 to enable organisations to investigate and develop an enterprise proposition from the very earliest stage into a proposed delivery plan
  • an enterprise development programme is available to support organisations progress towards a social enterprise model
  • grants are available to support not-for-profit organisations, working in youth and homelessness services.


The Vegan Society  Grant

The Vegan Society Grant is open to individuals and grassroots organisations. It exists to support projects which will encourage non-vegans to go vegan and stay vegan. The projects are based across the globe, with a particular emphasis on those based in economically developing countries.

A typical award is £1,000 which is granted to projects that meet our criteria and are selected by our cross-department panel.