Last updated 16 July 2024

Read on for the latest funding opportunities, or jump to the following sections:

July deadlines | August deadlines | September deadlines | October deadlines | November deadlines | December deadlines


If you would like assistance with applying for any of the funding opportunities listed below, we are here to help you. Please contact our Funding & Development Officer, Stephen Smith, for support at

If you have submitted a funding application using the information provided by Community Links Bromley and, more importantly, have been successful we would be grateful if you could let us know by emailing


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Childs Charitable Trust

The Childs Charitable Trust is a grant-making trust, supporting Christian UK registered charities and organisations working both in the UK and overseas.

Application Deadlines:

  • Applications received in September, October and November will be considered at the February trustees’ meeting
  • Applications received in December, January and February will be considered at the April trustees’ meeting
  • Applications received in March, April and May will be considered at the July trustees’ meeting
  • Applications received in June, July and August will be considered at the October trustees’ meeting


The Christmas Challenge Extended deadline

The Christmas Challenge is the UK’s biggest match funded campaign supporting a diverse array of charities working across all charitable sectors within the UK and overseas.

For seven days, the campaign offers supporters of participating charities the opportunity to double their donations and make a significant and lasting difference for the causes close to their hearts.

Application deadline: 19th July 2024


Design for All: Pro bono design support programme

Design For All provides free experts time up to the value of £30,000 for building-related projects. It is especially aimed at small organisations (turnover < £1 million) and those that have limited experience in this area and are not sure where to start.

What does the grant provide:

  • Professional Expertise from a range of disciplines (architects, structural engineers, cost, sustainability and planning consultants) and reasonable travel expenses.
  • A share of £30,000 (based on £100/hr) worth of time split across 2 to 4 recipients.
  • The support programme does not provide capital or cash.

The deadline for stage one of the process is 19th July 2024


Connecting Health Communities 2024

The Institute for Voluntary Action Research are inviting expressions of interest in the next phase of their Connecting Health Communities programme. This is a 2.5 year facilitation support package for cross-sector partnerships who would like to engage their community in addressing health inequalities.

They would like to hear from communities, NHS organisations and Local Authorities who have established partnerships, but need support with designing and implementing improved health outcomes for vulnerable groups.

Recently, they’ve supported work to:

  • Improve access to services and support for families with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) (Buckinghamshire)
  • Increase the attendance of minoritised groups at cancer screening in Eastbourne (East Sussex)
  • Reduce social isolation and loneliness among the young people in the town centre, and among families in Fouracre
  • Support the design and delivery of services for older people to enable access to local support (Wirral)

Deadline for expressions of interest: 5.00pm on 19th July 2024


A B Charitable trust

A B Charitable Trust (ABCT) promotes human dignity and defends human rights for marginalised and excluded people. Funding is available for small to medium sized charities
who work in three priority areas:

  • Migrants and refugees
  • Criminal justice and penal reform
  • Human rights, particularly access to justice

Open programme grants are usually between £10,000 to £20,000 and awarded annually.

Application deadlines for 2023/2024:

  • 26th April 2024 - Decisions in July 2024
  • 26th July 2024 - Decisions in October 2024
  • 25th October 2024 - Decisions in October 2024
  • 31st January 2025 - Decisions in April 2025


New Greener Bromley

Apply today for a fully funded, internationally recognised, Environmental Accreditation (certified by Green Mark) by applying to the Greener Bromley Scheme.

The London Borough of Bromley have created this exciting scheme to encourage businesses to understand their environmental impacts and take measurable steps to reduce them! The aim is to help local businesses thrive in a changing landscape while also helping them take advantage of the benefits of sustainability, such as reduced energy bills and increased engagement.

This pilot scheme is limited to 10 Bromley businesses so, if you are interested in joining this pilot scheme, sign up below and apply by the closing date of 26th July 2024.


New Coram Youth Homelessness Grants

Are you a grassroots organisation supporting young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in London?

Coram is offering grants of £25,000 for projects to enable you to build your own capacity and deepen youth participation.

Charity size: with an annual turnover of between £100,000 and £1 million.

Based on the expressions of interest, six shortlisted organisations will be invited to submit a full application. Young people with lived experience will be part of the panel which then chooses four applicants to receive grants.

Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 2.00pm on 29th July 2024.


New Intergenerational Social Action Community Ambassadors Programme

The Community Ambassador Programme enables young people aged 5-20 to organise social action projects that will encourage intergenerational connections and provide opportunities to develop their skills and confidence whilst making a difference in their community.

Funding has been provided by Clarion Futures, the charitable foundation of Clarion Housing Group, Places for People, and Sovereign Network Group. The #iwill Fund – a joint fund from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and The National Lottery Community Fund that supports young people to access high quality social action opportunities has provided match funding. You can read more about this partnership here

To apply, download complete the application and return it to

Application deadline: 30th of July 2024. You will receive a decision on your application on the 5th of September 2024.

Download the information pack

Download the application form


New The Fore Autumn 2024 Funding Round

The Fore’s upcoming Autumn 2024 Funding Round offers unrestricted grants to help small charities and social enterprises grow, strengthen, become more efficient or resilient. All UK registered charities, CIOs, CICs limited by guarantee and CBSs.

Successful applicants will receive:

  • A grant of up to £30,000 of unrestricted funding spread over 1 to 3 years.
  • Access to free, highly skilled support provided by experienced professionals.
  • Access to our programme of workshops, covering areas such as fundraising, communications, finance, strategy and more.
  • A fully funded place on an impact measurement course.
  • Access to peer networking opportunities.

Charity size: with an annual income of under £500,000 are welcome to apply

Grant size: up to £30,000

Application deadline: 12.00pm on Wednesday 31st July 2024


Stef & Phillips Foundation

Support to Londoners facing homelessness through personal (up to £200) and project grant funding (up to £2,000).

Application deadlines: 8th January, 31st March and 31st July 2024 


Ironmongers Company

Two rounds of funding annually for registered charities which provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people (under 25 years) to fulfil their potential. Grants usually range between a few hundred pounds up to around £10,000. The average grant awarded is £4,000. Deadlines to apply are 15th December and 31st July.


Funding to enable disadvantaged young people to reach their potential

The Ironmongers’ Company wishes to support projects that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people to fulfil their potential.

Registered charities (including Schools that are registered as charities for young people with disabilities) that work with disadvantaged children under the age of 25 can apply for funding of up to £10,000 through the Ironmongers Company's grants programme.

The Company is particularly interested in enabling primary age children to develop a strong foundation for the future. Preference will be given to projects piloting new approaches where the outcomes will be disseminated to a wider audience.

The Appeals Committee meets twice a year at the end of March and October. The deadlines for receipt of applications are 15 December and 31 July respectively. Please note that applications are not accepted by email.


The Anchor Foundation

Anchor Foundation’s vision is to support Christian Charities working with Art, Healing and through those seeking to offer Social Inclusion. He foundation particularly target Christian Charities because they may find it harder, if not impossible, to obtain grants funding from secular grant givers on account of their religious rooting. 

Grant size: up to £12,000

Applications are considered at twice yearly Trustee meetings, usually held in April & October and deadlines for receipt of applications are 31st January and 31st July.


The Radcliffe Trust

The Radcliffe Trust supports the development of the skills, knowledge and experience that underpin the UK’s cultural heritage and crafts sectors.

  • For consideration by the Trustees in June: The deadline is 31st January for applications to both the Music and Heritage & Crafts schemes for consideration in June.

  • For consideration by the Trustees in December: The deadline is 31st July for applications to both the Music and Heritage & Crafts schemes for consideration in December.


The Anchor Foundation

Supporting Christian charities concerned with social inclusion particularly through ministries of healing and the arts.

Grant size: the maximum grant provided is £12,000

Application deadline: applications are considered at twice yearly Trustee meetings, usually held in April & October and deadlines for receipt of applications are 31st January and 31st July respectively. Please take these dates into account when submitting your application - particularly with time sensitive projects.



Mottingham Big Local Refocused Community Chest and Youth Fund

Community Chest: up to £5,000 funding for organisations and community groups to run projects, events or services in the MBLR catchment area. Projects must be related to at least one of MBLR’s 7 themes:

  • Children & young people 
  • Older people
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Employability
  • Economic empowerment
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Green space

Youth Fund: this fund is all about young people becoming local changemakers, bringing to life projects that are important to them.  Individuals or groups of young people aged 16-19 (or up to 25 for SEN) can apply for up to £1,000 to run any project that will benefit the people in the MBLR area, and at least one person per group must live in the MBLR area.

Application deadline: applications are accepted on a monthly rolling basis, the deadline to apply is the 1st of each month.


The DPO Centre Charity and Community Fund

The fund’s purpose is to provide access to our data protection consultancy services, but at an 80% funded rate, therefore enabling worthy causes to access our expertise, but with the least effect on their ability to fund their core purpose.

Eligible charities will be invited to apply for up to £10,000 of funding towards any of DPO’s consultancy services.

The next funding round is open for applications from 1 August 2024


The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation

The Charitable Foundation supports registered charities based in the UK where there is clear benefit to the recipients. Donations of up to £3,000 will be considered, that enable specific tangible items or activities to be purchased rather than donating to general funds.

Consideration will be given to charities whose objectives are:

  • To benefit children (aged under 16), through their education and or welfare i.e. literacy, numeracy and reducing poverty.

  • To provide youth schemes and projects supporting those in their late teens / early 20s in socially deprived areas with literacy, numeracy and employment.

  • To support the elderly by reducing isolation, helping reduce the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The trustees meet at the beginning of March, June, September and December. Submission deadline dates are the 1st of the month prior to each meeting. Applications received after the cut-off date will be presented at the following quarterly meeting. (next deadline: 1st August 2024)


The Golsoncott Foundation grants

The Golsoncott Foundation is an arts-funding trust whose declared object is ... to promote, maintain, improve and advance the education of the public in the arts generally and in particular ... the fine arts and music.

The Trustees meet in early March, June, September, and December. Those applications deemed suitable, after a first appraisal, are then considered at a quarterly determination meeting. Grants rarely exceed £3,000, and are given on a non-recurrent basis with some exceptions. 

All applications for grants should be sent to the administrator at the registered office, at least a month before the month of the trustees meeting, i.e., by early February, May, August and November in advance of the March, June, September and December meetings.

The volume of applications is often very high, and the trustees may close the nominal deadline before the end of the quarter. Applicants therefore are advised not to wait until the end of the quarter before submission, the earlier the application the more considered the first appraisal.


Warburtons Community Grants

Warburtons' financial giving programme is aimed at supporting projects, activities and organisations.

Grant size: up to £400.

Application deadline: quarterly deadlines in November, February, May and August.


The Joseph Rank Trust

The Trust funds one-off grants for capital expenditure or three-year grants for core costs/project funding.

The Trustees have identified two main areas of interest, as follows:

  • Projects that demonstrate a Christian approach to the practical, educational and spiritual needs of people of all ages.
  • The adaptation or improvement of Church properties (including new build) with a view to providing improved facilities for use by the church and its work in the community in which it is based.

Application deadline: the next Trustees meeting is in October 2024 - please post your application after 1st August 2024.


Marc Fitch Fund

The Marc Fitch Fund is an educational charity established in 1956 by Marc Fitch (1908-1994). The Fund makes small grants towards the costs of publishing scholarly work in the fields of British and Irish national, regional and local history, archaeology, antiquarian studies, historical geography, the history of art and architecture, heraldry, genealogy and surname studies, archival research, artefact conservation and the broad fields of the heritage, conservation and the historic environment.

Application deadlines: 1 March and 1 August each year. 


Strategic Partnership Funding- Suicide Prevention

Funding for strategic projects aiming to achieve systemic change in the area of suicide prevention in London.  Open to new applicants, existing grant-holders and previous grant-holders. New and existing partnerships. Organisations can be in more than one applying partnership.

Grant size: up to to £150,000 per year; up to seven years

Application deadline: 5.00pm, Friday 2nd August 2024


New GLA Democratic Participation grants

The Greater London Authority (GLA) is running phase three of its Democratic Participation Grants Programme, as part of its Civic and Democratic Participation Programme.

The grant programme funds civil society equity-led groups to deliver targeted awareness-raising information and activity, including 1:1 support, in trusted community settings for London’s most under-registered and under-represented communities at risk of disenfranchisement.

Application workshop

When: 16th July 2024 12.00-13.30

Where: Online (Zoom) - Register here

A BSL interpreter will attend the event to assist attendees. If you need further help to access the event, please contact Groundwork London as soon as possible on or 0207 922 1230. 

Application deadline: 12.00pm, Tuesday 6th August 2024 


Screwfix Foundation

Screwfix are offering grants of up to £5000 to support projects that will fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities for those in need throughout the UK. Applications must meet the following criteria:

  • Your organisation or project is part of a Charity or Not for Profit Organisation
  • The funds will help people in need (by reason of financial hardship, sickness, disability or other disadvantage or distress) in the UK
  • The project relates to the repair, maintenance, improvement or construction of homes, community facilities and other buildings

Please note: our Trustees meet to review applications in March, June, September and December. The cut-off date for applications will be the 10th of the month prior to the Trustee meeting. (next deadline: 10th August 2024)


Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust (EKCT)

Requests for funding must fit within one of the following areas of EKCT’s remit to: 

  • Support beneficiaries located in Sussex, within one of EKCT’s focus areas as follows: care of the elderly; disability; general welfare; hospices; youth; wildlife & environmental conservation.
  • Deliver international or UK based wildlife & environmental conservation projects.
  • Deliver international reproductive health family planning projects which have a clear and intended impact on the environment and are delivered in Africa or Asia.

Small Grant: up to £10,000 (applications accepted throughout the year)

Medium Grant: £10,001 to £20,000

Application cycles: 

  • 4th January – 4th February
  • 18th April – 12th May
  • 10th July – 13th August
  • 9th October – 12th November

Large Grant: over £20,001

Application cycles:

  • 4th January – 4th March
  • 10th July – 10th September


National Churches Trust – UK

The National Churches Trust supports a wide variety of projects through their grant programmes. From repairing a roof to helping to install an accessible toilet - and many other projects - their grants help people to continue to serve, and to serve better, their local communities. Current grants available:

  • Large Grants

This programme offers the Trust's largest grants of up to £50,000 towards the cost of major urgent structural repair projects costed at more than £80,000 including VAT. Next Stage 1 deadline: 5 November 2024 (midnight) 

  • Medium Grants

This programme offers the Trust's medium sized grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 towards urgent and essential maintenance and repair projects costing between £20,000 and £80,000. Next Deadline: 13 August 2024

  • Small Grants

This programme offers the Trust's small grants of between £500 and £5,000 towards urgent maintenance works and small repairs identified as high priority within a recent Quinquennial Inspection, Building Survey or Condition Report. Also, small investigative works and surveys. Next Deadline: 30 August (midnight)


National Lottery Heritage Fund grants

The National Lottery Heritage Grants programme funds projects that value, care for and sustain heritage for everyone across the UK, now and in the future.  From historic buildings, our industrial legacy and the natural environment, to collections, traditions, stories and more heritage can be anything from the past that you value and want to pass on to future generations. 

National Lottery Heritage Grants programme offers funding at two levels:

  • £10,000 to £250,000 – applications are accepted all year round
  • £250,000 to £10million - these grants have quarterly deadlines; applicants must submit an Expression of Interest before starting a full funding application

Upcoming deadlines for grants over £250,000 and when you can expect a decision

  • 12noon, 29 February 2024, to receive a decision by the end of June 2024
  • 12noon, 30 May 2024, to receive a decision by the end of September 2024
  • 12noon, 15 August 2024, to receive a decision by the end of December 2024
  • 12noon, 21 November 2024, to receive a decision by the end of March 2025


Souter Charitable Trust

The Souter Charitable Trust supports projects engaged in the relief of human suffering in all its aspects in the UK and overseas - especially, but not exclusively, those with a Christian emphasis and ethos.  Grants are restricted to UK registered charities only.

Small grants may be awarded for gap year / short term projects which extend to at least one calendar year. Whilst there are no minimum or maximum amounts given an average grant would be a small one off in the region of £1,000 - £3,000.

Application deadline: grant applications for consideration at the meeting should be with the secretary no later than close of business on Friday 23rd August 2024.


d/Deaf and Disabled people's organisations

This programme is for small and local charities with an income between £25,000 to £500,000 which are led by and working with d/Deaf and Disabled people who are experiencing poverty. Organisations can apply for a three year unrestricted grant of £75,000.

Application deadline: 5.00pm on Wednesday 28th August 2024


Royal Victoria Hall Foundation grants

The Royal Victoria Hall Foundation awards between twenty and thirty grants each year to smaller scale professional theatre projects based in London. There are two rounds of funding, with deadlines in February and August.The Foundation has two major aims: to help professional productions in need of financial support and to introduce high-quality live performance to groups who are not traditional or regular theatre goers.

Applicants should be theatre companies, not individuals. Grants will normally be in the range of £250 – £2,000.

Applications must be received by the Royal Victoria Hall Foundation by 5.30pm on the last Friday in February  for the spring round of funding, and by 5.30pm on the last Friday in August (30th August 2024) for the autumn round. 


VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme

The VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme (EES) is to help VCSE organisations deliver more efficient services for people and communities by saving money on energy bills. Up to £23.4m is available in total. Up to £3.4m will be available to deliver Independent Energy Assessments (IEAs) for VCSE organisations and up to £20m will be available for VCSE organisations to apply for a capital grant to implement energy efficiency measures identified in their IEA.

Application deadline: 30th August 2024, 11:59pm



The 2025 GSK IMPACT Awards are open to registered charities that are at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income between £150,000 and £3 million.

Application deadline: 5.00pm on Friday 30 August 2024

If your charity’s total annual income is between £20,000 and £150,000 then please view the GSK Community Health programme


The Delamere Dairy Foundation

The Delamere Dairy Foundation, established in October 2020, is a self-governing, independent registered charity with a clear purpose of giving back to local and wider communities through the provision of discretionary grants and other financial assistance.

Applications are welcome from charities and organisations whose purpose fits with the objects of the Delamere Dairy Foundation for the benefit of the public, namely: 

  • The advancement of agriculture and of environmental protection
  • The advancement in life of young people by developing their capabilities so that they may mature as contributory members of society
  • The relief of financial hardship
  • The advancement of education
  • The relief of sickness 

Grant size: a minimum of £250 up to £5000. Charities and organisations may apply once per calendar year.

Application deadline: 31st August 2024


Magdalen Hospital Trust

Funding for UK-based Charities/Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) working with vulnerable children and young adults, especially those at risk of sexual and other forms of exploitation. The Magdalen Hospital Trust prefer to fund project costs rather than core costs.  Projects can include those that provide:

  • training for work and personal development,
  • clubs and play schemes,
  • safeguarding education,
  • mental health support and counselling,
  • emergency care.

Grant size: usually £500 - £2,000. Grants are usually one-off although longer-term proposals will be considered very occasionally.

The Trustees will be meeting in March, June, September and December. Submission dates for applications:

  • For March meeting - between 1st and 28th February
  • For June meeting - between 1st and 31st May
  • For September meeting - between 1st and 31st August
  • For December meeting - between 1st and 30th November


Inman Charity

Directors operate a grant giving policy aimed at making annual distributions of £325,000. They support a wide range of UK Registered Charities. See website for application guidelines and exclusions. Key areas of charitable work supported include: care of the elderly, general welfare, hospices care of the physically & mentally disabled. 

Application deadlines: Applications must be received by the end of February or the end of August for consideration at Spring or Autumn Meetings.


Ashworth Charitable Trust

The Ashworth Charitable Trust (“the Trust”) is a small grant-making charity. It was created primarily to support humanitarian causes operating locally, nationally and internationally, as opposed to animal or utilitarian projects. For the most part, the Trust looks to fund projects and not core funding. The work of the Trust is informed by a set of underlying principles:

  • The oneness of humanity;
  • The establishment of true justice;
  • The paramount importance of education for all;
  • The need to address the situation of the very poor and of those at the margins of society;
  • That all people everywhere should be able to share the fruits of and be empowered to participate in the construction of a just, prosperous and sustainable society; and
  • That to achieve these aims, it is necessary to build the capacity of individuals, communities and institutions.

Levels of grant do not usually exceed £3,000. Very occasionally, a grant of up to £5,000 may be made.Application deadline: The Trustees meet twice a year, in May and November. Applications need to be submitted by the end of February or the end of August respectively. 


William and Jane Morris Fund - Church Conservation Grants

Two rounds of funding annually for churches, chapels and other places of worship. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for the conservation of decorative features and monuments, but not structural repairs. Examples of what they support are: stained glass windows; sculpture; furniture; monuments and tombs, and wall paintings, all of which must date no later that 1896. Yearly application deadlines: 31st March and 31st August.


Grants from the Cherry Family Foundation

The Cherry Family Foundation gives funding to charities with operations in London, the East and the South East of London who organise programmes that support young people. Grants range from £1,000 to £40,000 and are limited to one annual grant per organisation. Funds must be spent within 18 months of receipt.

Charity size: registered charities that turnover under £5M annually.

Upcoming application cycles:

  • 1st – 31st August 2024
  • 1st – 28th February 2025


Toy Trust grants

During 2021, the Toy Trust welcome applications from small UK children's charities - working for the benefit of children across the UK. As part of your application you will be asked which area of the UK you work.Trustees meet 4 times a year and encourage applicants to note the upcoming deadlines. Every effort is made to review all applications that meet the Trust’s criteria but the Toy Trust reserves the right to review any funding applications received at future meetings should a higher volume than normal be received.

All applicants should:

  • Be in support of disadvantaged children aged below 13 years
  • Be in support of children and projects regardless of faith, sex or disability
  • Come from a charity that has been running for a minimum of one full year
  • Be for less than £5000 unless a compelling case can be put forward
  • Be for equipment and services but generally NOT for salaries, wages and research
  • Applications must be for less than £5000 unless a compelling case can be put forward.

(additional requirements on the Trust’s website)

Application deadlines:

  • March meeting – end of February
  • July meeting – end of June
  • September meeting – end of August
  • December meeting – end of November



New Congregational & General Charitable Trust

The Trust awards grants ranging from a minimum of £1,000 to a maximum of £25,000 for all sorts of building projects to all sorts of churches of the Protestant tradition.

All grants are directly linked to the cost of the project involved. Within the above limits, the maximum percentage is 25% of the total project cost, to the nearest £100. The level of grant awarded is at the Trustees discretion and will depend on the denomination of the Church, the type of work being undertaken and the overall aim of the project. All arrangements are subject to periodic review.

All applications received are considered quarterly; March, June, September and December of each calendar year.


The Classical Association

The Classical Association is a major provider of grants to classical projects, mainly but not exclusively in the UK. The Association's grants fund schoolteachers, students, academics and organisations to provide wider access to teaching and learning about the classical world.Grant size: VariousApplication deadlines: 

  • Applications of up to £5,000 should be submitted for the consideration of the Small Grants Committee ahead of the following deadlines: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1


Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust

The objectives of the Trust are to donate to UK registered charities whose purposes encompass one or more of the following:

  • to benefit or protect animals
  • to relieve animals from suffering
  • to conserve wild-life
  • to encourage the understanding of animals

Application deadlines: 3rd January (for Spring meeting), 1st May (for Summer meeting), 1st September (for Winter meeting)


SYP Trust

Grant-making programme to strengthen the support available to vulnerable, disadvantaged and excluded young people in London by supporting opportunities for them to learn, be healthy, be heard, and be active citizens. The fund is available to organisations that are providing one or more of the following outcomes for children and young people in London:

  • Supporting young people to access learning and employment
  • Supporting young people to live a healthy, active life
  • Supporting young people to be active citizen
  • Supporting young people to give a voice to their situation 

Grant size: £5,000 to £10,000

Charity size: income of up to £1m per year

Grants are typically made twice a year in approximately November and June. The application window for June grants runs from 1st February to 31st March and for November grants, from 1st June to 1st September.


Kelly Family Trust

Funding for charities whose work involves all or most family members, where possible, in projects that aim to tackle problems facing one or more of those family members. They've funded work which has included early intervention, mediation, prison services and services for families affected by sexual abuse, physical abuse and domestic violence, among others. Grants are generally offered up to £5,000. 

There are 2 rounds of funding each year with application deadlines of 1st March and 1st September


Henry Moore Foundation grants

Henry Moore Grants support exhibitions, exhibition catalogues, commissions, conferences, research, post-doctoral research fellowships, publications, and the development of collections through acquisitions, conservation, cataloguing and display.  If your exhibition or commission project aims to encourage new thinking about sculpture or sculpture history, or contributes to public awareness and appreciation of sculpture, you should consider applying for a Henry Moore Grant.

Applications are assessed in terms of their:

  • development of the study of sculpture
  • contribution to the public awareness and understanding of sculpture
  • encouragement of new thinking in sculpture, including the history of sculpture
  • artistic quality
  • careful financial management

Application deadlines: 22 February, 24 May, 2 September, 6 December 


Ashley Family Foundation

Grants are made primarily for project costs to organisations registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales and to unregistered organisations providing arts and/or community and social welfare projects when supported by a registered charity. The Foundation are keen to fund good small scale arts and community projects in England and Wales and welcome proposals from community museums, organisations, farms and gardens for funding for arts subjects. 

Application deadline: 6th September 2024


The Grocers’ Charity one-off grants

The Grocers’ Charity typically provides one-off grants up to £5,000 for U.K. registered charities. This year the funder is leaning towards, but not exclusively funding, applications which support youth, e.g., preventing (re)offending; helping those struggling due to financial hardship and environment charities helping to reduce plastic waste and reducing emissions.

Charity size: with a turnover of over £500,000, except for Health/Medical Charities (up to £15m turnover)

Grant size: up to £5,000

To apply, applicants must send a short expression of interest via the charity's online Initial Enquiry form.

Upcoming deadlines for Initial Enquiries are:

  • 6 September 2024
  • 10 January 2025


The Fore

The Fore offer unrestricted grants that can be used for any purpose, including core costs and capital funding. The Fore will make grants of up to £30,000 which may be spread over one to three years. They ask you to state in your application the total amount of funding you are requesting and over what time period. Please note that the maximum grant size is £30,000 in total.

Charity size: with annual income of less than £500,000

Upcoming timetables

Autumn 2024 funding round

Registration period: From 12pm (midday) Wednesday 24th July, to 12pm (midday) on Wednesday 31st July

Confirmation of place on funding round: Thursday 1st August

Application deadline for charities with a confirmed place on funding round: 5pm, Monday 9th September


The W G Edwards Charitable Foundation

Trustees are interested in supporting a diverse range of charities which support older people, from large institutions to small community-run organisations.Around 70 organisations each year are successful in obtaining grants usually between £1000 to £3000. The average grant is £1,500.The Foundation was established to support capital projects and innovative projects but is unable to assist with running costs or salaries. If your charity has a mixed age group of beneficiaries, the Foundation will consider a donation if around 80% are over the age of 65.

Application deadlines:

  • (for the January meeting) December 10

  • (for the April meeting) March 10

  • (for the July meeting) June 10

  • (for the October meeting) September 10


The Andrew Wainwright Trust

The objectives of the Trust are framed in general terms to work for a just and democratic society and to redress political and social injustices.

The Trust will prioritise organisations that are ineligible for charitable funding because they are considered too political or radical to come within the Charity Commission’s guidelines.

The directors meet three times a year - in March, July and November - and Stage 1 registrations forms must be submitted by 14 January, 14 May or 14 September respectively.


Ulverscroft Foundation

The Ulverscroft Foundation supports projects which will have a positive effect on the quality of life of visually impaired people (blind and partially sighted).Their funding is channelled via recognised organisations which help the visually impaired, for example, libraries, hospitals, clinincs, schools and colleges, and social and welfare organisations.

Applications should be made in writing (they do not have an application form). Make your proposal as detailed as possible. Include details of your current service to the visually impaired, if any, and how the proposed project will be integrated or enhanced. If possible, please give an estimate of how many visually impaired people use/will use your service. Also include the amount of funding obtained to date, if any, and the names of other organisations to whom you have applied.

Application deadline: Trustees meet quarterly to consider appeals in January, April, July and October each year; deadlines for appeals are the fifteenth day of the previous month (next deadline - 15th September).


Matthew Good Foundation – Grants for Good

Grants are available for local community groups, charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises in the UK for projects that have a positive impact on communities, people, or the environment.

Every three months, the Foundation share £10,000 between 5 shortlisted projects that have a positive impact on communities, people or the environment. These five charities will all receive a share of £10,000 – the more votes a cause receives, the bigger the donation. Following the vote, the project that receives the most votes will receive a grant of  £3,500, second place £2,500, third place £2,000 and fourth and fifth place will both receive £1,000.

Charities and projects are welcome to apply all year round, and applications will be considered in the next funding round. Funding will be awarded every three months, in April, July, October and January, with an application deadline of the 15th of the month before.

Annual application cycles:

  • 16 December – 15 March (Applications for funding awarded in May)
  • 16 March – 15 June (Applications for funding awarded in August)
  • 16 June – 15 September (Applications for funding awarded in November)
  • 16 September – 15 December (Applications for funding awarded in February)


Help The Homeless Grant scheme

Funding for capital costs of projects with grants of up to £5,000 to charitable organisations with the aim of helping homeless people return to the community and enable them to resume a normal life. They are able to help only small and medium-sized charities with an annual turnover of under £1m and with ‘unrestricted reserves’ of under six months annual running costs. All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society.

The quarterly deadlines for applications for funding each year are: 15th March / 15th June / 15th September / 15th December.


Thomas Wall Trust

The Trust offers grants up to £5,000 for specific projects rather than general organisational costs that improves communication skills for disadvantaged adults and supports NEET people into employment. Beneficiaries must gain at least one accredited vocational qualification during delivery.

Charity size: with annual turnover is between £25,000 and £500,000

Next application deadline: Monday 16th September 2024


The Fidelio Charitable Trust

The Fidelio Charitable Trust supports the Arts in the United Kingdom. The Trustees aim to help individuals and groups who would not be able to carry out a project or activity without financial support, particularly those who are at an early stage in their careers.

The Trust aims to support individuals (over the age of 21) or groups of exceptional ability, to enable them for example: 

  • To receive special tuition or coaching (e.g. in the case of musicians to attend Master Classes)
  • To participate in external competitions
  • To be supported for a specially arranged performance
  • To receive support for a special publication, musical composition or work of art

Trustee meetings are normally held three times a year, in the spring, summer and autumn. The provisional closing dates for receipt of applications in 2024 are 12.00 midday on:

  • Thursday 1 February 2024
  • Thursday 16 May 2024
  • Thursday 19 September 2024


DHSC Community Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Fund

Organisations across England are being invited to bid for a share of £1 million of government funding to buy life-saving defibrillators for community spaces like town halls, local parks or post offices. The DHSC Community Automated External Defibrillator (CAED) Fund will support provision of 2000 AEDs. These will be distributed across England during 2023-2024, supporting any organisation based in England that is not eligible for the current Department of Education AED programme.

Application deadline: 21 September 2024, 11:59pm


The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust funds registered charities operating in the UK in the fields of the advancement of the arts, health and medical welfare and environmental protection or improvement. The majority of the Trust’s grants are single grants in the range £500 - £5,000 over a one-year period.   Occasionally longer-term grants (usually up to 3 years) are agreed by the Trustees when deemed to have particular merit. The Trustees will consider applications for core costs or projects, and they also consider applications for matched funding.

The Trustees usually consider applications three times a year in March, July and November.

Next application deadline: midnight, 24th September 2024


The Fat Beehive Foundation grants

The Fat Beehive Foundation is an independent UK registered charity that provides small grants for websites and digital products to other small UK registered charities. It aims to help these organisations carry out their work in a more efficient and effective way, resulting in positive social benefit.Charities eligible for grants must have average income of less than £1 million a year. Grants of up to £2500 are available.The Foundation aim to provide a response within three months of receiving a bid. Once completed applications have been received, they will be considered at the next quarterly trustee meeting – these are normally held in April, July, October, and January.

Upcoming deadlines based on the Foundation's funding priorities:

  • Friday 29th March 2024, 17:00 (Social Justice/Refugees/Housing)
  • Friday 28th June 2024, 17:00 (Education)
  • Friday 27th September 2024, 17:00 (Environmental Protection or climate change mitigation)
  • Friday 9th January 2025, 17:00 (TBD)


Veolia's Sustainability Fund

The Sustainability Fund will provide cash sponsorship, in-kind resources or staff volunteers to support not-for-profit organisations and community groups to transform their local community or environment.

A successful project will provide evidence of one or more of the following:

  • Enhancing biodiversity
  • Promoting sustainable waste behaviours (reduce, reuse and/or recycle)
  • Protecting or preserving resources and the environment
  • Its use of recycled, reused, or reclaimed materials 

Applications will close on Monday 30th September 2024


Unltd Awards Social Entrepreneurs

Unltd specialist support for social entrepreneurs to help them grow as social leaders. Inclusion is very important to the organisation – the organisation are committed to 50% of our awards going to Black, Asian and minority ethnic social entrepreneurs, and/or disabled social entrepreneurs across our funding programmes.Grants of £500 - £5,000 are available to support start-up ventures, and grants of up to £15,000 are available to help established ventures grow and increase their impact.  Looking for social entrepreneurs to help them develop as social leaders, and to start up or grow their idea for a social venture.  Application dates:

  • (Q1) January 1 - March 31
  • (Q2) April 1 - June 30
  • (Q3) July 1 - September 30
  • (Q4) Oct 1 - December 31


The Britford Bridge Trust

The Britford Bridge Trust is a charitable trust that donates funds to a number of UK registered organisations and charities primarily involved in the prevention or relief of poverty; the advancement of education; the advancement of health or the saving of lives; and the advancement of the arts, culture, heritage, or science. Applications are invited from any UK registered charity.Grant size: up to £30,000 to a number of organisations each year. In exceptional circumstances, the trustees have the discretion to award larger or multi-year grants.You can apply throughout the year. 

Applications to the trust are reviewed quarterly. Quarterly cut offs are 30 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December each year. 



Lady Ryder of Warsaw Memorial Trust

Specific areas of interest for the Trust are education, health related matters, social welfare, homelessness, poverty and the promotion of religious belief. Exceptional applications outside of these areas will be considered.

The Trust considers applications four times a year and applications should arrive by 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October each year.


The Joyce Fletcher Charitable Trust

Support of institutions and organisations specialising in music in a social or therapeutic context.

Grant size: between £1,000 and £3,000

Application deadline: applications are to be made by letter, to be received before 1st October 2024


Platinum Jubilee Parks Fund

Friends of Parks groups and local stakeholders, including Resident Associations are invited to apply for funding to improve their local park, with monies from the Platinum Jubilee Parks fund.

Grant size: up to £20,000

Application deadlines:

  • (for applications under £3,000) applications can be made at anytime
  • (for applications over £3,000) 1st October and 1st April each year


The Veolia Environmental Trust grants

The Trust support community and environmental projects across England through the Landfill Communities Fund, using money provided to us by Veolia.

Two grant schemes available:

  • Community Grants: Available to constituted not-for-profit organisations and local authorities. Grants of between £10,000 and £75,000 are available to create or improve buildings or outside spaces for the benefit of the community.

  • Environmental Improvement Grants: Available to Environmental Bodies that are enrolled with ENTRUST, the regulator of The Landfill Communities Fund. Grants of over £75,000 are available to enable landscape scale improvement projects such as habitat creation/management, and/or species protection.

The Trust have four funding rounds each year. It is important that you apply at the right time, as only one grant application may be submitted per project site, in a 12 month period.

The Trust have four funding rounds a year.

Next funding rounds: 

  • 29 February 2024 - 11 April 2024
  • 23 May 2024 - 20 June 2024
  • 22 August 2024 - 03 October 2024
  • 26 November 2024 - 07 January 2025



Concertina makes grants to charitable bodies which provide musical entertainment and related activities for the elderly. This not only brightens up their lives, but also provides a therapeutic benefit to their health and well-being.

Concertina is keen to support smaller organisations which might otherwise find it difficult to gain funding. Since its inception in 2004, it has made grants to a wide range of charitable organisations nationwide in England and Wales. These include funds to many care homes for the elderly to provide musical entertainment for their residents.

Application deadlines: The trustees review applications after the deadline dates of April 30th and October 31st each year.


The Edgar E Lawley Foundation Opens 1st August

The objectives of The Edgar E Lawley Foundation are for general charitable purposes with particular reference to medicine, to necessitous elderly persons, and to educational purposes with reference to the arts, commerce and industry.

Its area of benefit is to any charity or not for profit organisation within the United Kingdom. The Foundation is not able to consider applications for grants from and on behalf of private individuals. The Foundation’s preference is to award unrestricted grants to smaller charities and not for profit organisations.

In 2023/24 the annual grants programme amounted to approximately £200,000  with a typical grant being in the region of £2,000 per successful applicant. This may be increased in subsequent years.

Application deadline: 31st October 2024


DWF Foundation

DWF Foundation supports charities that work in areas including homelessness, health, employability, education, and the environment. Wider grants are also available to other community initiatives. The Foundation does not have a minimum grant size but the majority of the grants will fall under £5,000.

Next deadlines: 30 June 2024, 31 October 2024


Investing in Young People

Making grants to support disadvantaged young people living at the margins of society; with the aim of improving their academic performance, vocational skills or by helping to break down the barriers that prevent them from participating in education, employment or training. Applications must be focused on improving young people’s access to employment, education or training.

Organisations can apply for either a one-off grant of up to £30,000 or a grant of between £5,000 and £20,000 per annum, for a maximum of three years.

Next application deadline: end of October



Reel Impact Next funding rounds open in November 2024 and September 2025

Reel Impact is a brand-new programme to support mid to senior level Black and Global Majority individuals, as well as Black and Global Majority-led production companies and organisations working behind the scenes in film, TV, and cinema. 

  • Grants of up to £10,000 for mid-to-senior level Black and Global Majority individuals
  • Grants of up to £25,000 for Black and Global Majority production companies or organisations in the industry 

Applications for the first round of funding are now closed. Further funding rounds will take place in November 2024 and September 2025.


Music for All

Three rounds of funding annually, for individuals (e.g musical instruments and lessons) and community projects (e.g initiatives that bring music into the community). Application deadlines for both are on 1st February, 1st July and 1st November.


The Weavers’ Company Benevolent Fund

The Fund’s principal aim is to support people in trouble, particularly young offenders and ex-offenders, as well as other disadvantaged young people. Preference is given to pump-priming new projects, especially those that are innovative and can serve as a model elsewhere.

Charity size: Though income is not a barrier to an application being considered, the Committee’s preference is to support small organisations. Local organisations, such as those working in a village, estate or small town should normally have an annual income of less than about £100,000. For those working in larger cities and/or across the UK, annual income should not be more than about £250,000.

Grant size: of up to £15,000 per annumClosing dates for applications in 2023/2024:

  • Thursday 16 November 2023
  • Thursday 14 March 2024
  • Thursday 4 July 2024
  • Thursday 14 November 2024


LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund

This Fund has been enabled thanks to National Lottery players and will focus on supporting user-led LGBT+ organisations based in England, who are working with targeted under-represented and under-resourced communities.  A total pot of £500,000 is available through small grants of between £100 and £25,000 for organisational running costs, projects and organisational / leadership development.

This funding is ring-fenced specifically for LGBT+ organisations that are led by and for:

  • D/deaf, Disabled, Neurodivergent LGBT+ People.
  • LGBTQIA+ Women.
  • LGBT+ People of the Global Majority.
  • Older LGBT+ People.
  • Trans and Non-Binary People

Application deadline: Thursday 21st November at 12.00pm


Sir Halley Stewart Trust

A grant-giving charity that supports innovative and pioneering Social, Medical and Religious projects, to enable human flourishing and to prevent suffering.

The Trust funds a wide range of organisations to achieve this goal, with grants normally ranging from one to three years in duration and up to circa £60,000 per project (with a £30,000 limit per year), although in exceptional cases up to £80,000 may be considered.  The Trust is underpinned by Christian values, but welcomes applications from other faith and non-faith projects. 

Application deadline: The current round is due to close on 21st November 2024, but may need to close earlier due to the volume of applications being received.



Innovate Now with City Bridge Foundation

City Bridge Foundation is collaborating with open innovation organisation Do it Now Now (DiNN) to deliver a cutting-edge enterprise development programme supporting Black-led charities and social enterprises delivering support to Black and Global Majority communities in London.

‘Innovate Now with City Bridge Foundation’ will provide 64 London-based Black-led charities and enterprises with £12,000 grant funding, bespoke support, and £3,000 in compensated capacity building.

The fund will be disbursed in 3 rounds.

  • Round 1: closes 10th January 2024
  • Round 2: opens 5th March 2024, closes 9th May 2024
  • Round 3: opens 1st October 2024, closes 4th December 2024


Movement for Good

Movement for Good is an annual programme of giving that anyone can get involved in, and again this year the programme will be donating over £1 million to charities and good causes nominated by you.

Nominations made from 1st January 2024 to 19th December 2024 will be entered into all remaining £1,000 draws. Nominations from previous years do not roll over.


Climate Action Fund

The Climate Action Fund is supporting communities across the UK to take action on climate change.
The National Lottery Community Fund will  fund projects that reach more people by either:

  • Linking climate action to the everyday lives and interests of local communities. And inspiring them to take action.
  • Influencing communities at a regional or national level. Like linking up groups across locations. Or a campaign that inspires change across one country, or the whole UK.

You should be in a partnership with:

  • A mix of organisations and sectors
  • Smaller groups that represent the people you’re working with.

You do not have to be a climate or environment-focused organisation to apply.

Grant size: the minimum you can ask for is £500,000 (expected to fund most projects for between £1 million and £1.5 million over 3 to 5 years)

Application deadline: You’ll be able to apply until at least the end of 2024. We plan to close to applications in early 2025. We will announce the final deadline nearer the time.


The Gisela Graham Foundation grants

The Gisela Graham Foundation is a small charity which reflects the wishes and support of the proprietor, Gisela Graham, together with her fellow Trustees. The Foundation aims to provide financial benefit to those in need through the provision of grants and other payments to provide assistance in specific cases of poverty and poor education; it will also help to further the advancement of public health and safety and to provide education and cultural life for the general benefit of society.

Grant size: Grants awarded are normally for sums under £10,000, but most donations are for less than £5,000

There are two deadline periods: 30th June and 31st December



Funding for secondary schools & sixth form colleges

Funding available for State-funded secondary schools and sixth form colleges for
new build, refurbishment and technical equipment.

Grant size: £15,000 - £100,000. Usual grant range £15,000 – £50,000 (for equipment)/£15,000 – £100,000 (for new build and refurbishment)

If total project cost is <£50,000, no match funding is required.

If total project cost is >£50,000, some matched funds should be in place.They run two funding rounds each year.

Round 1 opens to Stage 1 applications on 1 December

  • Stage 1 application deadline: 10 January, 23.59
  • Stage 2 application deadline: 15 February, 23.59

Round 2 opens to Stage 1 applications on 1 May , 00.01

  • Stage 1 application deadline: 10 June, 23.59
  • Stage 2 application deadline: 15 July, 23.59


Small Grants Programme

Theatres Trust's Small Grants Programme, supported by The Linbury Trust, funds small projects that make a big impact to a theatre’s resilience, sustainability, accessibility or improving the diversity of audiences.

This new scheme will provide grants of up to £5,000 for essential works to enable not-for-profit theatres across the UK to be viable and thrive in the future.

Grant size: up to £5,000

Upcoming deadlines:

  • 12 noon on 7 June 2024
  • 12 noon on Friday 17 January 2025


The Span Trust

The Span Trust seeks to fund projects by awarding grants between £5,000 and £20,000 that will alleviate poverty, disability, age or ill health, and advance urban regeneration through the improvement of the built environment. We offer grants to both registered and exempt charities. The Trust accepts applications twice annually

  • Deadline 1: 11.58pm on the last Friday of January (31st January)

Trustees will meet at the end of February and applicants will be notified shortly after.

  • Deadline 2: 11.58pm on the last Friday of June

Trustees will meet at the end of July and applicants will be notified shortly after.


Patagonia's Environmental Grants Program

Patagonia supports environmental organisations with bold, direct-action agendas and a commitment to long-term change. They support innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities.

Application deadlines: 30th June (applications received by this date will receive a response by the end of October); 31st January (applications received by this date will receive a response by the end of June)


The Community Ownership Fund

The Community Ownership Fund is a £150 million fund over 4 years to support community groups across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland to take ownership of assets which are at risk of being lost to the community.

Application deadline: 31st March 2025, 11:59pm


The Rose Foundation

The Rose Foundation provide financial assistance to registered charities and exempt bodies undertaking building projects less than £200,000 in the London area.The donation is usually between £5,000 and £10,000.

Apply anytime after July 1st each year and before March 31st of the following year.


John Lyon’s Charity – School Holiday Activity Fund

The School Holiday Activity Fund is designed to enable organisations to deliver fun and accessible activities for children and young people during the school holidays. This includes all half-term breaks, Easter, Christmas and the summer holiday. You may apply to the School Holiday Activity Fund once a year for a maximum of three consecutive years.

The Fund will pay for the running costs of holiday programmes that provide young people with activities in supportive and accessible environments. Up to £5,000 is available.

Organisations that are currently in receipt of a grant from John Lyon’s Charity for core services are also eligible to apply to this Fund as long as funds from the Charity are not already being used for holiday activities.  Applications to the School Holiday Activity Fund can be submitted at any time, but must be received by the Grants Office by the following deadlines:

  • Summer holiday – 1 June
  • October half-term – 21 September
  • Christmas holiday – 16 November
  • February half-term – 10 January
  • Easter – 14 February
  • May half-term – 15 April