A dedicated website for the South East London VCSE Alliance is currently under development

The South East London Integrated Care System’s second public Integrated Care Partnership meeting took place on 26th January 2023. Click here for resources from the meeting.

Authors: Tal Rosenzweig (Director of VCSE Collaboration and Partnership and ICP member); Ben Collins (Director of System Development)

Following discussions at the last Partnership meeting in April, work began on the development of a VCSE charter for SEL. The charter sets out commitments our system will sign up to in order to enable and support the VCSE sector to collaborate with us fully, as key system partners, in the delivery of our priorities and objectives for local people in South East London.

This draft charter sets out four, high level commitments (summarised below), as well as the rationale for each and some specific actions the members of the ICP and ICB are invited to take:

1) We will treat the VCSE sector as a full strategic partner in setting strategic direction and in system planning, in addition to its role in delivery services;

2) We will increase funding provided for the VCSE sector and secure services in ways that deliver greater social value;

3) We will ensure proportionate procurement and contract monitoring processes that will reduce the transactional burden for commissioners and providers and ensure a level playing field for VCSE organisations;

4) We will invest in strengthening the VCSE sector’s infrastructure so that it can play an effective role in the strategic leadership of our system and service delivery.

The charter also proposes continued join working between the ICB, the ICP and the organisations in our ICS to implement these commitments.

ICP members are asked to provide their views on the initial draft, developed following engagement with partners, to inform a version that will be further engaged on over the coming months. The final version of the charter will be brought to the ICP in October for decision and ratification.

News & Events

NHS New Provider Selection Regime & Procurement Act Changes: VCSE Information Session

VCSE Information Session event imageJoin the South East London VCSE Strategic Alliance for a special online event about the new Provider Selection Regime and the upcoming changes to the Procurement Act, and what these changes mean for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector.

Register for the event for the event on July 17th 2-4pm for an overview of these important changes, and an opportunity to ask an NHS procurement specialist any questions you may have.


SEL 20:20 Innovation Webinar, 12 June 1pm

SEL Innovation Webinar event image

During the COVID-19 pandemic NHS waiting lists for new appointments and outpatient clinic wait times grew significantly. A data-driven system to identify vulnerable patients was, and continues to be, of significant benefit, minimising risks and optimising resources utilisation.

This webinar provides an overview of how Factor 50 successfully worked with leading clinicians at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust to develop a pragmatic health informatics-based approach to guide clinicians to prioritise those at highest need, enhance care and improve efficiency of clinical service delivery for people with diabetes.

Click here for more information and to register


SEL ICS Community Engagement Expression of Interest [EXPIRED]

The SEL ICS Long Term Conditions Team (LTC) supports and commissions services for people living with diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease. The team is committed to engaging with local people to improve and shape services to meet the cultural and social needs of the community.  As part of this commitment SEL ICB intends to coordinate a south east London (SEL) wide approach to diabetes community engagement - working with people and communities to ensure community-led diabetes services improvement.  

To achieve this, the NHS South East London Integrated System would like to commission a community organisation (or a consortium bid) to support the SEL ICB Long Term Conditions team.

If you are interest in bidding for the project or have further questions, please complete the high level attached application and return to by close of play 27th February 2024.


Invitation to Tender: For a South-East London Voluntary & Community Sector Mapping and Opportunities Analysis [EXPIRED]

South-East London (SEL) Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Strategic Alliance and SEL Integrated Care System (SEL ICS) are looking to gain deeper insight into the current breadth of provision within our amazingly diverse VCSE sector in SEL, with particular focus on provision and opportunities which relates to the SEL ICS 5 strategic priorities (SEL ICS Strategic Priorities).

We are looking to undertake a mapping analysis of VCSE provision across SEL, to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth, development and collaboration, with particular focus on provision of smaller, grassroots organisation, specialist ‘By and For’ organisations, and provision which is not already linked into local statutory health & care systems. We are looking for a partner/company, ideally from within the voluntary and community sector and with strong links to SEL, to carry out this work for us. 

For further information see the tender pack here.

The closing date for application submission is EOP 4th September 2023.

For any further questions please email Tal Rosenzweig


Keep an eye on the latest news from SEL ICS here