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Community Links Bromley successfully applied to the City Bridge Foundation (formerly City Bridge Trust) in October 2019 for funding for its Health and Wellbeing Transformation project.

CLB is the lead organisation in the partnership which includes Enfield, Greenwich, Merton and Hackney Councils for Voluntary Services. The programme aims to bring local people closer to the design and delivery of health care services within their respective boroughs. We anticipate that this will lead to a reduction in health inequalities and improved outcomes for local residents and effect system change in how health care services work.

Directly connected to this project, we are seeking to understand the ‘social value’ of the health care services provided by local voluntary sector and community groups in Bromley. In other words, we want to quantity and qualify the benefit of these services as part of our own reflective practice and our ongoing dialogue with our statutory partners such as the NHS, CCG’s Local Council and others.



We hosted a series a series of workshops to help organisations involved in delivering health and wellbeing services to collectively grow our knowledge and expertise in social value reporting. Subscribe to our e-bulletin and keep an eye on our Events page for details of our upcoming worshops


Recovery and Renewal: The Role of the Third Sector in Post Pandemic Health and Social Care

We hosted this conference on Wednesday 22nd September 2021. Thank you to those of you who registered to attend. The conference report, with embedded resources, can be accessed here


Join the conversation 

Question bubbles imageAt the Q&A at our last workshop, one attendee raised the point of working with someone with complex needs and the challenge of getting various support agencies to coordinate and speak with each other. This brings us to the reason why we are gathering your views on what you might say to help shape local health policy or procurement practice. If you could sit down and talk with policy makers and decision makers, what would you ask them to change or improve to secure better outcomes for your beneficiaries. What would system change look like?


Social value audits for organisations
We will restart our support for organisations who need support doing a social value audit for their organisation in September. Contact us and we will arrange to help you undertake the audit with your organisation – all you will need to do is gather a representative group of staff and volunteers and we will sit with your team and help you undertake the audit assess your strengths and report back on where the gaps may be.

Themes, Outcomes and Measures - National TOMS.
Social Value Portal is holding a consultation on their framework for measuring, managing and reporting Social Value (TOMS). This is particularly relevant to organisations that intend to tender or partner on local or central government contracts. Log on to this link (social value portal) to have your say on the national framework. Remember, engagement helps fine tune processes to reflect your organisation’s needs and operating context.



Year 2 Impact Summary

HWTP Year 2 Impact Summary

 Click on the image above to download a pdf of the Impact Summary


City Bridge Foundation logo

CLB logo

Enfield VA logo

Merton Connected

Hackney CVS

Metro GAVS